The Additional Details page contains fields like Custom Email Subject, Custom Email Body, Email Notifications / Reminders, and Expiration Periods. You can specify the default subject and body for an email that is sent to the DocuSign recipient when a document is sent for eSignature. Salesforce merge fields are supported in the email subject and body. The default text is already added in the Subject and Body fields. Entering a blank email body provides the DocuSign default email message. We recommend that you do not use a blank subject. 

To add additional details

  1. Click Additional Details.
  2. Add the custom email Subject and Message. The character limit for Subject is 100 characters and 10,000 characters for Message.  


    The initial value is retrieved from the Custom Labels, the limit is 1000 characters. You can then add more characters to the Additional Details screen if required.

  3. Under the Reminders and Expiration section, enter the following fields. 

    Send a reminder to signers [] day(s) after receiptEnter the number of days in which you want to send a reminder to sign the document after you send the document. For example, you send the document today and you enter the value as 5. A reminder will be sent to the signer after 5 days.
    Continue to send reminders every [] day(s)Enter the frequency of reminders in the number of days for which you want to send the reminder until the document is signed. For example, you send the document today and you enter the value as 2. A reminder will be sent every 2 days until the signer signs the document.
    Expire request in [] day(s); If sent today, it will expire onEnter the number of days in which you want the request to expire after you send the document. For example, you send the document today and you enter the value as 365. The envelope will be valid for a year. Note: The Expiration Date is displayed after you enter a value in the text box.
    Warn signers [] day(s) before request expiresEnter the number of days before which you want to warn the signers about the expiration of the document to be signed. For example, you send the document today, the validity of the document is for a year, and you enter the value as 10. Hence, a warning of expiration will be sent 10 days before the expiration of the document.

    You'll be able to view the fields pertaining to Reminders and Expiration only if your System Administrator has unchecked the Use Default Reminders & Expiration checkbox in System Properties. Contact your system administrator if you want to edit the Reminders and Expiration at the Agreement or Quote/Proposal level.

    If you can view the fields pertaining to Reminders and Expiration and you leave them blank, the default values that have been set by your System Administrator in the DocuSign account will be used.

  4. Select the DocuSign template that you want to apply to your envelope from the Apply Template drop-down menu.  


    You can view the Apply Template drop-down menu only if your System Administrator has enabled the DocuSign Templates Enabled custom setting for you. For more information on enabling this setting, refer Loading DocuSign Templates into Conga.

  5. Click Preview to preview the email message with resolved Merge fields.
    Click Finalize In DocuSign to complete the document in DocuSign.
    Click Send For eSignature to directly send the document for eSignature.
    Click Back to go back to Add Attachment(s) screen.
    Click Cancel to cancel the eSignature request.