After generating a contract document, you can use Adobe Sign to send that document, along with any supporting documents for eSignature. In order to send documents for eSignature, you can use documents already attached to the record and select the documents from the list of available documents. You can select multiple documents for signing within a single request. Then, you select recipients, set the signing order, customize the subject and message of the email, and finalize the document in Adobe Sign.


A contract with: 

  • An In Signature status category
  • A Ready for Signature status

To send a document for eSignature

  1. Open the Contract record.
  2. Click Send for Signature.
  3. Select ADOBE SIGN from the "Choose your sending option" popup.

    • The Adobe Sign option is automatically selected if you checked Default Option for Signature when configuring Adobe Sign. For more information, see Configuring Adobe Sign Parameters in Conga Platform.
    • If only Adobe Sign is active, the "Choose your sending option" popup does not appear, and a page opens to select the documents.
  4. Click Next to open a page to add documents.
    1. Select the documents to send for eSignature from the Available Documents list. You can select multiple documents.
    2. To search for a document, enter the document name in the Search Documents box.
    3. To change the document's sequence, drag and drop them into the correct order using the Sequence icon () on the left.
    4. To preview the document, click the More icon  () on document thumbnails, and then click Preview.
    5. To delete the document, click the More icon on document thumbnails, and then click Delete.
  5. Click Next to open a page to add recipients. 
    1. To add a name, search for contacts or internal users. After selecting a name, the email is automatically populated. 
    2. Select Signer Type from the drop-down list. 
    3. To add a new signer, click Add Signer
    4. To delete a signer, click the Delete icon ().
    5. Check Set Signing Order to require recipients to sign the documents in a specific order. To change the signer's sequence, drag and drop them into the correct order using the Sequence icon () on the left. 

      If Set Signing Order is not checked, the documents can be signed in any order. 

  6. Click Next to open a page to review and send the documents.
    1. By default, the contract name is auto-populated in the email subject, which you can change if needed. The email subject is copied to the filename of the fully signed document.
    2. By default, the message configured in the default template is displayed. Make changes to the message if required.
    3. Under Expiration and Reminders section, select the frequency for expiration and reminders.


      The Expiration and Reminders section is displayed if the administrator has toggled the Show reminder and expiration for end user button on. For more information, see Configuring AdobeSign Parameters in Conga Platform.

      Reminder Delay (hours)Enter the number of hours after you send the document to send a reminder to sign it.  For example, if you send the document today and you enter the value as 5, a reminder will be sent to the signer after five hours.
      Expire After

      Select the date and time at which the envelope should expire. The expiry date and time will be specified in the reminder email sent to the recipients. 

      Reminder Frequency

      Select the frequency of sending reminders until the document is signed.  For example, if you send the document today and select Every Day Until Signed, a reminder will be sent every day until the signer signs the document.

  7. Click Finalize. This opens the documents inside the Adobe Sign Console.
    1. Drag and drop the required fields into your document. 

    2. To associate a field with a recipient, click the recipient's name and drag and drop the required fields into your document. 
    3. Click Send to send the document for eSignature.

After sending the document for eSignature, the contract's status category and status change to "other party signatures" and "in signatures", respectively. Once all signatories have signed the document, Adobe Sign sends you an email that signing is completed. For more information, see Viewing a Signed Document with AdobeSign. If a signatory has sent the signed document over an email, you can upload the signed document to the contract record. For more information, see To upload a signed document.

To upload a signed document

  1. On the Contract Details page, click Upload Signed Document. The Upload Document popup is displayed.
  2. Upload or drag and drop contract documents from your system.
  3. Click Upload.

The signed document is uploaded to the contract. You can view it in the Documents tab on the left panel. 

The document is assigned a name as per the format configured in Document Naming Convention setting.