openapi: 3.0.0 info: title: Conga IDD REST API description: Welcome to the IDD REST API documentation. To explore the REST API, you must have an API key and a valid tenant registered with IDD. termsOfService: contact: email: version: 1.0.0 servers: - url: https://IDD_URL/idd/api/v1 description: IDD API v1 - url: https://IDD_URL/idd/api/v2 description: IDD API v2 tags: - name: Config Discovery and Management description: Provider and Mapping - name: Document Analysis description: Intelligent Import - name: Insight Analysis and Management description : Mapping and Analysis paths: /{tenantId}/config/registerprovider: post: tags: - Config Discovery and Management summary: Register a provider. description: Saves provider details in IDD. `provider`, `providerSpecifics.version`, `providerUrl` and `kira token` (passed as a bearer token) are used by other APIs, which dip into the IDD cache/DB. operationId: registerprovider parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string example: apttussfdc - name: instanceurl in: query description: Instance URL required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: - name: username in: query description: User name required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: dummyuser - name: userid in: query description: User ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: a56392269d970c requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/registerProvider' responses: "200": description: OK "400": description: Bad request "404": description: Server not found "500": description: Internal server error security: - APIKeyAuth: [] - BearerAuth: [] x-swagger-router-controller: ConfigDiscoveryAndManagement /{tenantId}/config/retrieveprovider: get: tags: - Config Discovery and Management summary: Retrieve provider details. description: Fetches the saved provider details from IDD. Uses `tenantId`, `instanceurl`, and `provider` in the query to fetch the provider from the IDD cache/DB. operationId: retrieveprovider parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string example: apttussfdc - name: instanceurl in: query description: Instance URL required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: - name: providername in: query description: Name of provider required: false style: form explode: false schema: type: string - name: username in: query description: User name required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: dummyuser - name: userid in: query description: User ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: a56392269d970c responses: "200": description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object x-content-type: application/json $ref: '#/components/schemas/storedProviderInfo' "400": description: Invalid tenantId supplied "404": description: Tenant not found security: - APIKeyAuth: [] x-swagger-router-controller: ConfigDiscoveryAndManagement /{tenantId}/config/provider: delete: tags: - Config Discovery and Management summary: Delete a provider. description: Deletes the saved provider details from IDD. Uses `tenantId`, `instanceurl`, and `provider` in query to fetch the provider from IDD cache/DB. operationId: deleteprovider parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string example: apttussfdc - name: instanceurl in: query description: Instance URL required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: - name: providername in: query description: Name of provider required: false style: form explode: false schema: type: string - name: username in: query description: User name required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: dummyuser - name: userid in: query description: User ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: a56392269d970c responses: "200": description: OK "400": description: Missing parameter "500": description: Invalid request security: - APIKeyAuth: [] x-swagger-router-controller: ConfigDiscoveryAndManagement /{tenantId}/config/testconnection: post: tags: - Config Discovery and Management summary: Test connection to AI engine. description: Pings the AI engine to check the user-provided URL. Requires the token to be sent as a bearer token. operationId: testconnection parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string example: apttussfdc - name: instanceurl in: query description: Instance URL required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: - name: kiraurl in: query description: Kira URL required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: - name: username in: query description: User name required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: dummyuser - name: userid in: query description: User ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: a56392269d970c requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/registerProvider' responses: "200": description: OK "400": description: Bad request "404": description: Server not found "500": description: Internal server error security: - APIKeyAuth: [] - BearerAuth: [] x-swagger-router-controller: ConfigDiscoveryAndManagement /{tenantId}/config/syncprovisions: get: tags: - Config Discovery and Management summary: Sync provisions from Kira description: Fetches Kira token, URL, and version using `retrieveProvider` API. Makes a call to Kira to get the latest Kira provisions and stores as a hashmap in IDD. If a provision-mapping array exists in the IDD, it is restored to the same Kira field ID as part of the new set of Kira provisions. operationId: syncprovisions parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string example: apttussfdc - name: instanceurl in: query description: Instance URL required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: - name: username in: query description: User name required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: dummyuser - name: userid in: query description: User ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: a56392269d970c responses: "200": description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/provisions' "400": description: Invalid tenantId supplied "404": description: Tenant not found security: - APIKeyAuth: [] - BearerAuth: [] x-swagger-router-controller: ConfigDiscoveryAndManagement /{tenantId}/config/getprovisions: get: tags: - Config Discovery and Management summary: Get provisions to add. description: Gets all Kira provisions from IDD, with mappings from projects. operationId: getprovisions parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string example: apttussfdc - name: instanceurl in: query description: Instance URL required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: - name: provider in: query description: Provider required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: kira - name: username in: query description: User name required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: dummyuser - name: userid in: query description: User ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: a56392269d970c responses: "200": description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getProvisions' "400": description: Invalid tenantId supplied "404": description: Tenant not found security: - APIKeyAuth: [] x-swagger-router-controller: ConfigDiscoveryAndManagement /{tenantId}/config/createprovisionmap: post: tags: - Config Discovery and Management summary: Create a provision map. description: Creates a provision map in the IDD provision maps table using the details given by the user. The table contains the unique record types, `tenant` and `instanceurl`. Makes an API call to the AI engine to get the `project_id` from the given `project_name`. Another AI engine API call creates `template_id` and adds user-provided field IDs. A project default worksheet with fields is created in the AI engine. If `syncProvisions` is enabled, field mappings from `syncProvisionIds` are also added to the AI engine provisions table in IDD. operationId: createprovisionmap parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string example: apttussfdc - name: instanceurl in: query description: Instance URL required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: - name: username in: query description: User name required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: dummyuser - name: userid in: query description: User ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: a56392269d970c requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/createProvisionMap' responses: "200": description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/provisionMapResult' "400": description: Invalid tenantId supplied "403": description: Project access denied (if project_id was input) "404": description: Tenant not found or project does not exist (if project_id was input) security: - APIKeyAuth: [] - BearerAuth: [] x-swagger-router-controller: ConfigDiscoveryAndManagement /{tenantId}/config/getprovisionmap: get: tags: - Config Discovery and Management summary: Get a provision map. description: Gets a provision map from the IDD provision maps table using the user-provided record type. operationId: getprovisionmap parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string example: apttussfdc - name: instanceurl in: query description: Instance URL required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: - name: recordtype in: query description: Record type required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: NDA - name: username in: query description: User name required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: dummyuser - name: userid in: query description: User ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: a56392269d970c responses: "200": description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getProvisionMap' "400": description: Invalid tenantId supplied "404": description: Tenant not found security: - APIKeyAuth: [] - BearerAuth: [] x-swagger-router-controller: ConfigDiscoveryAndManagement /{tenantId}/config/editprovisionmap: post: tags: - Config Discovery and Management summary: Edit a provision map. description: "Edits a provision map in IDD's provision maps table with user-provided details. Fetches provider details from the Retrieve Provider API. Fetches provision map details from the GET Provision Map API call. Makes an API call to the AI engine to update the `project_name` from the given `project_id` (fetched from IDD). Another API call updates the field IDs associated with the given `template_id`. If `syncProvisions` is enabled, then field mappings from `syncProvisionIds` is also edited within the AI engine's provisions table in IDD." operationId: editprovisionmap parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string example: apttussfdc - name: instanceurl in: query description: Instance URL required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: - name: recordtype in: query description: Record type required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: NDA - name: username in: query description: User name required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: dummyuser - name: userid in: query description: User ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: a56392269d970c requestBody: required: true $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/editProvisionMap' responses: "200": description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/provisionMapResult' "400": description: Invalid request parameters "404": description: Record not found "500": description: Internal server error security: - APIKeyAuth: [] x-swagger-router-controller: ConfigDiscoveryAndManagement /{tenantId}/config/deleteprovisionmap: delete: tags: - Config Discovery and Management summary: Delete a provision map. description: Deletes a provision map from the IDD provisions table. Fetches provider details using the Retreive Provider API. Fetches provision map info using the Get Provision Map API. Makes a call to the AI engine to delete the project from `project_id` (fetched using the API). operationId: deleteprovisionmap parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string example: apttussfdc - name: instanceurl in: query description: Instance URL required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: - name: recordtype in: query description: Record type required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: NDA - name: username in: query description: User name required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: dummyuser - name: userid in: query description: User ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: a56392269d970c - name: deleteflow in: query description: Delete flow required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: default/complete responses: "200": description: OK "400": description: Invalid parameters "404": description: Project not found "500": description: Internal server error security: - APIKeyAuth: [] - BearerAuth: [] x-swagger-router-controller: ConfigDiscoveryAndManagement /{tenantId}/analyze/uploadinfo: get: tags: - Document Analysis summary: Get information for an upload request. description: Retrieves the request details required to upload directly to the provider. This is used primarily for small files. operationId: uploadinfoGet parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string - name: recordtype in: query description: Record type required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string - name: instanceurl in: query description: Instance URL required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string - name: username in: query description: User name required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: dummyuser - name: userid in: query description: User ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: a56392269d970c responses: "200": description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/uploadInfoResult' "500": description: Unable to retrieve data security: - APIKeyAuth: [] x-swagger-router-controller: DocumentAnalysis post: tags: - Document Analysis summary: Send information for upload. description: "<p>Sends provider's upload information (job ID/document ID) or file information for IDD to upload.</p><p>Collects job/document information for a manual upload, or uploads internally (see the input types in the request body description.)</p><p>For requests with automatic notification enabled (with the `notificationInfo` object included in the request), the request body in the notification will resemble:<pre>status: complete,<br>responseBody:<br>  is_extracted: true,<br>  language: English,<br>  scan_quality: A,<br>  is_scanned: true,<br>  page_count: 10,<br>  error_code: 0,<br>  jobId: 412455,<br>  documentId: 86453,<br>  projectId: 625</pre></p>" operationId: uploadinfoPost parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string - name: resumable in: query description: Set to 'true' to upload documents using the resumable API. required: false style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: false - name: username in: query description: User name required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: dummyuser - name: userid in: query description: User ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: a56392269d970c requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/uploadInfoRequest' responses: "200": description: OK<p><ul><li>The information was received (if the request body was of the `uploadJobInfo` or `uploadJobInfoWithNotification` type).</li><li>The file was downloaded successfully and automatic polling has begun (if the request body was of the `uploadDocumentInfo` type).</li></ul></p> "500": description: Invalid request security: - APIKeyAuth: [] - BearerAuth: [] x-swagger-router-controller: DocumentAnalysis /{tenantId}/analyze/status: get: tags: - Document Analysis summary: Get job status information. description: Retrieves the job status from the provider. operationId: status parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string - name: jobid in: query description: Job ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string - name: documentid in: query description: Document ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string - name: context in: query description: Stringified form of JSON representing the context from IDD required: true schema: type: string explode: true example: { "recordType": "NDA", "projectId": "557", "instanceUrl": "" } - name: username in: query description: User name required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: dummyuser - name: userid in: query description: User ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: a56392269d970c responses: "200": description: In progress content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/jobStatusInProgress' "303": description: Complete content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/jobStatusComplete' "403": description: Job access denied content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/analyzeJobDeniedError' "404": description: Job does not exist content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/analyzeJobDoesNotExistError' "410": description: Job information unavailable content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/analyzeJobUnavailableError' "500": description: Internal error security: - APIKeyAuth: [] x-swagger-router-controller: DocumentAnalysis post: tags: - Document Analysis summary: Update job status information. description: "Returns the status information for the job/document given. For requests with automatic notification enabled (i.e., with a `notificationInfo` object included in the request), the notification in the request body resembles:<pre>status: complete,<br>responseBody:<br>  is_successful: true,<br>  redirect_href:,<br>  downloadId: '3625'<br>  job_id: '1928'<br>  document_id: '83920'  <p><b>Note:</b>`downloadId` is only included if the job was an export.</p>" operationId: statuspost parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string - name: jobid in: query description: Job ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string - name: documentid in: query description: Document ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string - name: context in: query description: Stringified form of JSON representing the context from IDD required: true schema: type: string explode: true example: { "recordType": "NDA", "projectId": "557", "instanceUrl": "" } - name: username in: query description: User name required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: dummyuser - name: userid in: query description: User ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: a56392269d970c requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/notificationInfoRequest' responses: "200": description: In progress content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/jobStatusInProgress' "303": description: Complete content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/jobStatusComplete' "403": description: Job access denied content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/analyzeJobDeniedError' "404": description: Job does not exist content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/analyzeJobDoesNotExistError' "410": description: Job information unavailable content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/analyzeJobUnavailableError' "500": description: Internal error security: - APIKeyAuth: [] - BearerAuth: [] x-swagger-router-controller: Document Analysis /{tenantId}/analyze/docstatus: get: tags: - Document Analysis summary: Get document status information. description: Retrieves the document's current status. operationId: docstatus parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string - name: documentid in: query description: Document ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string - name: context in: query description: Stringified form of JSON representing the context from IDD required: true schema: type: string explode: true example: { "recordType": "NDA", "projectId": "557", "instanceUrl": "" } - name: username in: query description: User name required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: dummyuser - name: userid in: query description: User ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: a56392269d970c responses: "200": description: Status of document content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/documentStatus' "403": description: Document access denied content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/analyzeDocDeniedError' "404": description: Document does not exist content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/analyzeDocDoesNotExistError' "500": description: Internal error security: - APIKeyAuth: [] x-swagger-router-controller: Document Analysis post: tags: - Document Analysis summary: Show document status. description: "Returns the status information for the document provided. For requests with automatic notification enabled (i.e., the `notificationInfo` object is included in the request), the notification in the response body resembles:<pre>status: complete,<br>responseBody:<br>  is_extracted: true,<br>  language: English,<br>  scan_quality: A,<br>  is_scanned: true,<br>  page_count: 10,<br>  error_code: 0,<br>  job_id: 412455,<br>  document_id: 86453,<br>  projectId: 625</pre>" operationId: docstatuspost parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string - name: documentid in: query description: Document ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string - name: context in: query description: Stringified form of JSON representing the context from IDD required: true schema: type: string explode: true example: { "recordType": "NDA", "projectId": "557", "instanceUrl": "" } - name: username in: query description: User name required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: dummyuser - name: userid in: query description: User ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: a56392269d970c requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/notificationInfoRequest' responses: "200": description: Status of document content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/documentStatus' "403": description: Document access denied content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/analyzeDocDeniedError' "404": description: Document does not exist content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/analyzeDocDoesNotExistError' "500": description: Internal error security: - APIKeyAuth: [] - BearerAuth: [] x-swagger-router-controller: Document Analysis /{tenantId}/analyze/docinfo: get: tags: - Document Analysis summary: Get extracted provisions. description: Retrieves the extracted information from the provider, along with mapped fields and templates. operationId: docinfo parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string - name: documentid in: query description: Document ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string - name: instanceurl in: query description: Instance URL required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string - name: recordtype in: query description: Record type required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string - name: username in: query description: User name required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: dummyuser - name: userid in: query description: User ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: a56392269d970c responses: "200": description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/extractedFileInfo' "500": description: Internal error security: - APIKeyAuth: [] x-swagger-router-controller: Document Analysis /{tenantId}/analyze/normalizephrase: get: tags: - Document Analysis summary: Extract data from natural lanugage. description: Extracts date, currency, and numbers from natural-language text. This API accepts tenant name, input phrase, and time zone as input parameters and returns date, currency, and time, with options to modify the output's date format. For example, <ul> <li><B>Input:</B><P><I>"The Acme agreement is expected to start on the first Monday of 2021 and to end two years later, and it is valued at fifty thousand dollars, payable in the first three months of next year."</I> <li><B>Output:</B> <ul><li>first Monday of 2021 = 2021-01-04</li> <li>two years later = 2023-01-04</li> <li>fifty thousand dollars = USD 50000</li> <li>the first three months of next year = 2021-01-01 to 2021-03-31</li> </ul> </ul> operationId: ichronosResolvePhrase parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name, for example, `apttussfdc` or `max` required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string example: apttussfdc - name: input in: query description: Input phrase to be resolved required: true style: form explode: true schema: type: string example: effective as of 01 / 01/ 2019 - name: timezone in: query description: Time zone [SID key]( required: false style: form explode: true schema: type: string example: "America/Los_Angeles" - name: options in: query description: Stringified form of JSON representing the iChronosOptions object. required: false schema: type: string example: { "objectName": "Apttus__APTS_Agreement__c", "fullNLUResult": false, "format": "mm-dd-yyyy" } - name: instanceurl in: query description: Instance URL required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string - name: username in: query description: User name required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: dummyuser - name: userid in: query description: User ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: a56392269d970c responses: "200": description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/entityResponseList' security: - APIKeyAuth: [] /{tenantId}/analyze/normalizetemplate: get: tags: - Document Analysis summary: Extract date and time from natural language. description: Extracts date and time parameters from natural language queries that contain variables or templates. This API accepts tenant name, template phrase, time zone, data map, and options as input parameters. For example, if you input a query as 6 weeks from contract start date and specify the contract start date as `1/1/2021` in the Data Map field, it returns `2/12/2021`. This API works in combination with the Normalize Phrase API. operationId: ichronosResolveTemplate parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name, for example, `apttussfdc` or `max` required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string example: apttussfdc - name: input in: query description: Input for templated phrase to be resolved required: true style: form explode: true schema: type: string example: "90 days from the ${Apttus__Contract_Start_Date__c}" - name: timezone in: query description: Time zone [SID key]( required: false style: form explode: true schema: type: string example: "America/Los_Angeles" - name: dataMap in: query description: Stringified form of JSON representing the dataMap to resolve the template required: false style: form explode: true schema: type: string example: { "Apttus__Contract_Start_Date__c": "2019-10-01", "Apttus__Contract_End_Date__c": "2020-10-01" } - name: options in: query description: Stringified form of JSON, representing iChronos options required: false schema: type: string example: { "objectName": "Apttus__APTS_Agreement__c", "fullNLUResult": false, "format": "mm-dd-yyyy" } - name: instanceurl in: query description: Instance URL required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string - name: username in: query description: User name required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: dummyuser - name: userid in: query description: User ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: a56392269d970c responses: "200": description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/entityResponseList' security: - APIKeyAuth: [] /{tenantId}/analyze/feedback: post: tags: - Document Analysis summary: Log feedback event. description: Logs app-level feedback event on resolution. A client application can use this API to log analytics events reveal how iChronos resolutions are performing. The API accepts tenant ID, prior API response, the application-level resolved value, and the user-specified correct value as input parameters. operationId: ichronosFeedback parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name, for example, `apttussfdc` or `max` required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string example: apttussfdc - name: phrase in: query description: Input phrase used in recent iChronos API request required: true style: form explode: true schema: type: string example: "the term is three (3) years" - name: response in: query description: Stringified form of JSON response returned by iChronos required: false style: form explode: true schema: type: string example: { "phrase": "the term is three (3) years", "entities": [ { "entity": "three (3) years", "startIndex": 12, "endIndex": 26, "type": "duration", "resolution": { "values": [ { "type": "duration", "value": 94608000000 } ] } } ] } - name: correctResolution in: query description: Indicates whether the iChronos resolution was accepted unchanged by the user. If `true`, user accepts it as-is; else, iChronos resolution was changed and it is thus set `false`. required: true style: form explode: true schema: type: boolean example: "true" - name: resolvedValue in: query description: Stringified JSON or a simple string describing how the app resolved the value required: true style: form explode: true schema: type: string example: "36" - name: correctValue in: query description: Stringified JSON or a simple string describing how the user corrected the value required: true style: form explode: true schema: type: string example: "48" - name: options in: query description: "Stringified form of JSON representing the iChronos options. Pass in the context parameter with the properties: <ul> <li><b>instanceUrl</b>, the SFDC org originating the request. <li><b>userId</b>, the SFDC user ID, identifying the user. <li><b>userName</b>, the SFDC user name, identifying the user. <li><b>requestId</b>, the ``x-request-id`` returned by the original iChronos request <li>a field such as ``Apttus__Contract_Start_Date__c``, for which feedback is provided <li><b>sessionId</b>, a unique ID identifying a set of iChronos resolutions for a single user session (e.g., if start date, end date, and term are resolved for a single user document, this could be set to the documentId) </ul>" required: false schema: type: string example: { "context": { "instanceUrl": "", "clientVersion": "12.2020.000.0001", "userId": "0054T000000dqllQAB", "userName": "Jeremy Jones", "requestId": "29080e70-3993-437a-a923-fa59700cc07e", "field": "Apttus__Contract_Start_Date__c", "sessionId": "a0h4T000000iuqjQAA" } } - name: instanceurl in: query description: Instance URL required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string - name: username in: query description: User name required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: dummyuser - name: userid in: query description: User ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: a56392269d970c responses: "200": description: OK security: - APIKeyAuth: [] /{tenantId}/analyze/export: post: tags: - Document Analysis summary: Export a document. description: "<p>Exports a document based on the settings given in the Payload object of the request body.</p><p>For requests with automatic notification enabled (that is, with the notificationInfo object included in the request), the request body in the notification resembles:</p><pre>status: complete,<br>responseBody:<br>  is_successful: true,<br>  redirect_href:,<br>  downloadId: 3625</p>" operationId: exportPost parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string - name: documentid in: query description: Document ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string - name: format in: query description: File format required: true style: form schema: enum: [pdf, word, excel] - name: instanceurl in: query description: Instance URL required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string - name: username in: query description: User name required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: dummyuser - name: userid in: query description: User ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: a56392269d970c requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/exportRequest' responses: "202": description: Returns job ID and document ID. Automatic polling of the job status begins. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/exportInfoResult' "400": description: Unsupported arguments content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/exportUnsupportedArgumentsError' "403": description: Document, project, or field access denied content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/exportAccessDeniedError' "404": description: Document does not exist content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/exportDocDoesNotExistError' "503": description: Service unavailable content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/exportServiceUnavailableError' "500": description: Internal error security: - APIKeyAuth: [] - BearerAuth: [] x-swagger-router-controller: Document Analysis /{tenantId}/analyze/downloadinfo: get: tags: - Document Analysis summary: Retrieve info to download a document. description: Retrieves the information needed to download the file directly from the provider. This is used primarily for small files. operationId: downloadinfo parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string - name: downloadid in: query description: Download ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string - name: instanceurl in: query description: Instance URL required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string - name: username in: query description: User name required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: dummyuser - name: userid in: query description: User ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: a56392269d970c responses: "200": description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/downloadResult' "403": description: Download access denied content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/downloadAccessDeniedError' "404": description: Download does not exist content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/downloadDoesNotExistError' "500": description: Internal error security: - APIKeyAuth: [] - BearerAuth: [] x-swagger-router-controller: Document Analysis /{tenantId}/analyze/download: post: tags: - Document Analysis summary: Download an exported document to a named location. description: "<p>Downloads the exported file from the provider and uploads it to the specified URL. A notification object must be provided in the request to receive notification that the upload to the client is complete.</p><p>The request body in the notification must resemble:<pre>status: complete,<br>responseBody:<br>  id: \"0686g000009rGcUAAU\",<br>  success: \"true\",<br>  errors: [],<br>  downloadId: \"12293\",</pre></p>" operationId: download parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string - name: username in: query description: User name required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: dummyuser - name: userid in: query description: User ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: a56392269d970c requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/downloadDocRequest' responses: "200": description: OK <p>The download from the provider was successful</p> "500": description: Invalid request security: - APIKeyAuth: [] - BearerAuth: [] x-swagger-router-controller: DocumentAnalysis /{tenantId}/analyze/deletedoc: delete: tags: - Document Analysis summary: Delete a document. description: Deletes a document from the provider. operationId: deletedoc parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string - name: documentid in: query description: Document ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string - name: instanceurl in: query description: Instance URL required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string - name: username in: query description: User name required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: dummyuser - name: userid in: query description: User ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: a56392269d970c responses: "202": description: Successfully deleted "403": description: Document access denied "404": description: Document does not exist "500": description: Internal error security: - APIKeyAuth: [] x-swagger-router-controller: Document Analysis /{tenantId}/insights/validate: post: tags: - Insight Analysis and Management summary: Validate the insights criteria. description: <p>Validates each term in the conditions list, ensuring it is correct and ready to be processed.</p> <p>Conditions are validated as follows:</p> <ul> <li>There is no scope block in the <code>validate</code> call.</li> <li><code>fieldType</code> = <code>metaData</code>, <code>keywords</code>, <code>mergedField</code>, <code>extractedField</code>, or <code>extractedClause</code></li> <li>fieldId is required for all fields except metaData fields</li> <li>If <code>operator</code> = <code>NLExpression</code>, the expression specified in the <code>value</code> field is evaluated to ensure it is valid.</li> <li>If value is a relative expression that contains other fields, these must be valid fields of the primary object.</li> <ul> <li>For example, in <code>value = "2 years from ${Apttus__Contract_Start_Date__c}"</code>, Apttus__Contract_Start_Date__c must be a valid field in the specified primary object </ul> </ul> </p> operationId: validateInsights parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name, such as "apttussfdc" required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string example: apttussfdc - name: userid in: query description: SFDC user ID of the logged-in user required: true style: form explode: true schema: type: string example: 0054T000000dqllQAA - name: username in: query description: Full name of the logged-in SFDC user required: true style: form explode: true schema: type: string example: Gilad Turbahn - name: instanceurl in: query description: Instance URL of the SFDC org required: true style: form explode: true schema: type: string example: - name: module in: query description: Module for display config, such as `clm`, `cpq`, `qtc`, etc. required: true explode: false schema: type: string example: clm - name: timezone in: query description: Time zone [SID key]( required: false style: form explode: true schema: type: string example: "America/Los_Angeles" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/iSearchRuleQuery' responses: "200": description: OK security: - APIKeyAuth: [] BearerAuth: [] /{tenantId}/insights/insightmaps: post: tags: - Insight Analysis and Management summary: Create insight maps. description: Creates and updates insight maps in the IDD Insight maps table using the details given by the user. The table contains the unique "tenant", "recordType", and "instanceurl" record types. operationId: updateinsightmap parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string example: apttussfdc - name: instanceurl in: query description: Instance URL required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: - name: username in: query description: User name required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: dummyuser - name: userid in: query description: User ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: a56392269d970c - name: recordtype in: query description: Record type required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: MSA requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/insightMap' responses: "200": description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/insightMapResult' "400": description: Invalid tenantId supplied "404": description: Tenant not found security: - APIKeyAuth: [] - BearerAuth: [] x-swagger-router-controller: InsightsController delete: tags: - Insight Analysis and Management summary: Delete insight maps. description: Deletes insight maps in the IDD Insight maps table using the details given by the user. The table contains the unique "tenant", "recordType", and "instanceurl" record types. operationId: deleteinsightmap parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string example: apttussfdc - name: instanceurl in: query description: Instance URL required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: - name: username in: query description: User name required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: dummyuser - name: userid in: query description: User ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: a56392269d970c - name: recordtype in: query description: Record type required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: MSA responses: "200": description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/insightMapResult' "400": description: Invalid tenantId supplied "404": description: Tenant not found security: - APIKeyAuth: [] x-swagger-router-controller: InsightsController get: tags: - Insight Analysis and Management summary: Get insight maps. description: Gets all insight maps from the IDD insight maps table using the user-provided "instanceurl" and "tenant" record types. operationId: getinsightmap parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string example: apttussfdc - name: instanceurl in: query description: Instance URL required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: - name: recordtype in: query description: Record type required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: NDA - name: username in: query description: User name required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: dummyuser - name: userid in: query description: User ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: a56392269d970c responses: "200": description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/insightmaps' "400": description: Invalid tenantId supplied "404": description: Tenant not found security: - APIKeyAuth: [] x-swagger-router-controller: InsightsController /{tenantId}/insights/registerorg: post: tags: - Insight Analysis and Management summary: Onboard a new org to the insights feature. description: Onboards a new org to use the insights feature. The table contains the unique tenant, org URL, and org ID. operationId: registerOrgDetails parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string example: apttussfdc - name: instanceurl in: query description: Org URL required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: - name: username in: query description: Full name of the logged-in SFDC use required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: Gilad Turbahn - name: userid in: query description: SFDC user ID of the logged-in user or "global" for public alias required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: 0054T000000dqllQAA - name: orgID in: query description: Org identifier required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: 0054T012000dqllXAC responses: "200": description: OK "400": description: Invalid tenantId supplied "404": description: Tenant not found security: - APIKeyAuth: [] - BearerAuth: [] x-swagger-router-controller: InsightsController delete: tags: - Insight Analysis and Management summary: Delete a user from the insights feature. description: Deletes an onboarded user from the insights feature. The table contains the unique tenant, org URL, and org ID. operationId: deleteresgisteredorg parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string example: apttussfdc - name: instanceurl in: query description: Org URL required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: - name: username in: query description: Full name of the logged-in SFDC use required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: Gilad Turbahn - name: userid in: query description: SFDC user ID of the logged-in user or "global" for public alias required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: 0054T000000dqllQAA - name: orgID in: query description: Org identifier required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: 0054T012000dqllXAC responses: "200": description: OK "400": description: Invalid tenantId supplied "404": description: Tenant not found security: - APIKeyAuth: [] x-swagger-router-controller: InsightsController get: tags: - Insight Analysis and Management summary: Get an org's registration status. description: Returns `true` if the org is registered; else returns `false`. operationId: getOnboardedOrg parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string example: apttussfdc - name: instanceurl in: query description: Org URL required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: - name: username in: query description: Full name of the logged-in SFDC use required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: Gilad Turbahn - name: userid in: query description: SFDC user ID of the logged-in user or "global" for public alias required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: 0054T000000dqllQAA - name: orgID in: query description: Org identifier required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: 0054T012000dqllXAC responses: "200": description: OK "400": description: Invalid tenantId supplied "404": description: Tenant not found security: - APIKeyAuth: [] x-swagger-router-controller: InsightsController /{tenantId}/insights/analyze: post: tags: - Insight Analysis and Management summary: Analyze an object's insights score. description: <p>Evaluates the conditions specified in Insights. Results are individually annotated and returned. A description of the condition evaluation result is returned.</p> <p>After evaluating the conditions, creates a mapping for the object in the IDD Insights extraction table. <p>Conditions are evaluated as follows:</p> <ul> <li>If <code>fieldType</code> = <code>metaData</code>, the value of the field in the object record is used.</li> <li>If <code>fieldType</code> = <code>extractedField</code>, the value extracted from the document is used.</li> <li>If <code>fieldType</code> = <code>extractedClause</code>, the clause extracted from the document is used.</li> <li>If <code>field</code> = <code>keywords</code>, the value is used to search the document specified by fieldId.</li> <li>fieldId is used to resolve the values of the extractedField and extractedClause field types. For <code>field=keywords</code>, the fieldId specifies the document's ID (for example, the ContentVersion ID for an SFDC object). The desc field is used to annotate the result</li> <li>If <code>operator</code> = <code>NLExpression</code>, the expression specified in the value field is evaluated. For example, <code>value="30 days from now"</code> is resolved to a date 30 days into the future</li> </ul> </p> operationId: analyzeinsights parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string example: apttussfdc - name: instanceurl in: query description: Instance URL required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: - name: username in: query description: User name required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: Gilad Turbahn - name: userid in: query description: User ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: 0054T000000dqllQAA - name: recordtype in: query description: Record type required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: MSA - name: objectid in: query description: ID of the object (for example, Agreement ID) required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: a0C4T000000ifZZUAY - name: recordid in: query description: IDE Job ID required: false style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: 507423 - name: docid in: query description: ID of uploaded document (the content document version) required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: 0684T000003u3eeQAA - name: orgID in: query description: Org identifier required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: 0054T012000dqllXAC - name: checkOrgRegistration in: query description: Check if this org is registered for Insight maps required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: boolean example: true requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/analyzeRisk' responses: "200": description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/analyzeRiskResults' "400": description: Invalid tenantId supplied "404": description: Tenant not found security: - APIKeyAuth: [] - BearerAuth: [] x-swagger-router-controller: InsightsController /{tenantId}/insights/extractions: patch: tags: - Insight Analysis and Management summary: Update the IDD Insight Extraction table. description: This updates insight data in the IDD Insight Extraction table, which details all analyzed insights. operationId: updateinisghtsExtracted parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string example: apttussfdc - name: instanceurl in: query description: Instance URL required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: - name: username in: query description: User name required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: Gilad Turbahn - name: userid in: query description: User ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: 0054T000000dqllQAA - name: recordtype in: query description: Record type required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: MSA - name: objectid in: query description: ID of the object (for example, the agreement ID) required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: a0C4T000000ifZZUAY - name: docid in: query description: ID of uploaded document (for example, content document version) required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: 0684T000003u3eeQAA requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/patchInsightsExtracted' responses: "200": description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/analysedinsightmaps' "400": description: Invalid tenantId supplied "404": description: Tenant not found security: - APIKeyAuth: [] x-swagger-router-controller: InsightsController post: tags: - Insight Analysis and Management summary: Update IDD Insight Extraction table data. description: This updates the IDD Insight Extraction table, which has all details for analyzed insights. operationId: saveinisghtsExtracted parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string example: apttussfdc - name: instanceurl in: query description: Instance URL required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: - name: username in: query description: User name required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: Gilad Turbahn - name: userid in: query description: User ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: 0054T000000dqllQAA - name: recordtype in: query description: Record type required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: MSA - name: objectid in: query description: ID of the object (for example, Agreement ID) required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: a0C4T000000ifZZUAY - name: docid in: query description: ID of uploaded document (for example, content document version) required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: 0684T000003u3eeQAA requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/insightsExtracted' responses: "200": description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/analyzeRiskResults' "400": description: Invalid tenantId supplied "404": description: Tenant not found security: - APIKeyAuth: [] - BearerAuth: [] x-swagger-router-controller: InsightsController get: tags: - Insight Analysis and Management summary: Retrieve IDD Insight Extraction table data. description: Retrieves the IDD Insight Extraction table, which has all analyzed insight details. operationId: getInsightsExtracted parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string example: apttussfdc - name: instanceurl in: query description: Instance URL required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: - name: username in: query description: User name required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: Gilad Turbahn - name: userid in: query description: User ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: 0054T000000dqllQAA - name: recordtype in: query description: Record type required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: MSA - name: objectid in: query description: ID of the object (for example, Agreement ID) required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: a0C4T000000ifZZUAY - name: docid in: query description: ID of uploaded document (for example, content document version) required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: 0684T000003u3eeQAA responses: "200": description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/analyzeRiskResults' "400": description: Invalid tenantId supplied "404": description: Tenant not found security: - APIKeyAuth: [] x-swagger-router-controller: InsightsController delete: tags: - Insight Analysis and Management summary: Delete data from the IDD Insight Extraction table. description: Delete data from the IDD Insight Extraction table, which has all the details to the analyzed insights. operationId: deleteInsightExtracted parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string example: apttussfdc - name: instanceurl in: query description: Instance URL required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: - name: username in: query description: User name required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: Gilad Turbahn - name: userid in: query description: User ID required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: 0054T000000dqllQAA - name: recordtype in: query description: Record type required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: MSA - name: objectid in: query description: ID of the object (for example, Agreement ID) required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: a0C4T000000ifZZUAY - name: docid in: query description: ID of uploaded document (for example, content document version) required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: 0684T000003u3eeQAA responses: "200": description: OK "400": description: Invalid tenantId supplied "404": description: Tenant not found security: - APIKeyAuth: [] x-swagger-router-controller: InsightsController /{tenantId}/insights/scale: post: tags: - Insight Analysis and Management summary: Set the risk scoring scale description: "Sets the desired scale and levels for calculating insights." operationId: postscale parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Number to define the score required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string example: apttussfdc - name: userid in: query description: SFDC user ID of the logged-in user required: true style: form explode: true schema: type: string example: 0054T000000dqllQAA - name: username in: query description: Full name of the logged-in SFDC user required: true style: form explode: true schema: type: string example: Gilad Turbahn - name: instanceurl in: query description: Instance URL required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/riskScaleRequest' responses: "200": description: OK "500": description: Invalid request security: - APIKeyAuth: [] x-swagger-router-controller: DocumentAnalysis get: tags: - Insight Analysis and Management summary: Retrieve saved risk scale levels. description: Fetches the saved risk scale details from IDD. operationId: getscale parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string example: apttussfdc - name: userid in: query description: SFDC user ID of the logged-in user required: true style: form explode: true schema: type: string example: 0054T000000dqllQAA - name: username in: query description: Full name of the logged-in SFDC user required: true style: form explode: true schema: type: string example: Gilad Turbahn - name: instanceurl in: query description: Instance URL required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: - name: score in: query description: Risk score, e.g., [1], [1, 4] required: false style: form explode: false schema: type: string - name: level in: query description: Risk level required: false style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: "Low Risk" - name: type in: query description: Risk type required: false style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: "IndividualRisk" responses: "200": description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/riskScaleResponse' "400": description: Invalid tenantId supplied "404": description: Tenant not found security: - APIKeyAuth: [] delete: tags: - Insight Analysis and Management summary: Delete saved risk scale. description: Deletes the saved risk scale details from IDD. operationId: deletescale parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string example: apttussfdc - name: userid in: query description: SFDC user ID of the logged-in user required: true style: form explode: true schema: type: string example: 0054T000000dqllQAA - name: username in: query description: Full name of the logged-in SFDC user required: true style: form explode: true schema: type: string example: Gilad Turbahn - name: instanceurl in: query description: Instance URL required: true style: form explode: false schema: type: string example: responses: "200": description: OK "400": description: Missing parameter "500": description: Invalid request security: - APIKeyAuth: [] /{tenantId}/insights/scaleinfo: get: tags: - Insight Analysis and Management summary: Retrieve supported risk scale details. description: Fetches supported risk scale details. operationId: riskscaleinfo parameters: - name: tenantId in: path description: Tenant name required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string example: apttussfdc - name: userid in: query description: SFDC user ID of the logged-in user required: true style: form explode: true schema: type: string example: 0054T000000dqllQAA - name: username in: query description: Full name of the logged-in SFDC user required: true style: form explode: true schema: type: string example: Gilad Turbahn - name: instanceurl in: query description: Instance URL of the SFDC org required: true style: form explode: true schema: type: string example: responses: "200": description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/riskScoringScale' "400": description: Invalid tenantId supplied "404": description: Tenant not found security: - APIKeyAuth: [] components: examples: downloadRequest: value: downloadId: "40289" fileName: "highlightedNDA" uploadUrl: "" context: recordType: "NDA" instanceUrl: "" notificationInfo: url: "" method: "POST" uploadJobInfo: value: jobId: "40289" documentId: "89000" context: recordType: "NDA" projectId: "342" instanceUrl: "" uploadJobInfoWithNotification: value: jobId: "40289" documentId: "89000" context: recordType: "NDA" projectId: "342" instanceUrl: "" notificationInfo: url: "" method: "POST" uploadDocumentInfo: value: fileLink: "" filesize: 95821 fileTitle: "ImportantDocument.docx" fileFormat: "docx" context: recordType: "NDA" instanceUrl: "" notificationInfo: url: "" method: "POST" schemas: riskScoringScale: type: object properties: levels: type: array items: type: string example: [ "Low Risk", "Moderate Risk", "High Risk" ] icons: type: array items: type: object properties: name: type: string example: "Circle" path: type: string description: URL to icon image example: "https://www.path-to-icon/circle.png" supportedObjects: type: array items: type: object properties: label: type: string example: "Agreement" value: type: string example: "Apttus__APTS_Agreement__c" type: type: string example: "metaData" insightTypes: type: array items: type: object properties: label: type: string example: "Risk" value: type: string example: "Risk" scaleTypes: type: array items: type: object properties: label: type: string example: "Individual Risk" value: type: string example: "IndividualRisk" example: { "levels": [ "Low Risk", "Moderate Risk", "High Risk" ], "icons": [ { "name": "Circle", "path": "https://www.path-to-icon/circle.png" }, { "name": "Rhombhus", "path": "https://www.path-to-icon/rhombhus.png" } ], "supportedObjects": [ { "label": "Extracted Data", "value": "ExtractedData", "type": "ExtractedData" }, { "label": "Agreement", "value": "Apttus__APTS_Agreement__c", "type": "metaData" }, { "label": "Smart Search", "value": "SmartSearch", "type": "ContentVersion" } ], "insightTypes": [ { "label": "Risk", "value": "Risk" } ], "scaleTypes": [ { "label":"Individual Risk", "value": "IndividualRisk", } ] } riskScoring: type: object properties: entries: type: object description: A user's most common search entries example: tenant: apttussfdc userId: '101' type: individualScoring instanceUrl: risks: - lowerBound: 0 upperBound: 4 level: Low Risk color: green icon: "" - lowerBound: 5 upperBound: 7 level: Moderate Risk color: orange icon: "" - lowerBound: 8 upperBound: 10 level: High Risk color: red icon: "" lastUpdatedTime: '2021-08-25T17:53:32.833Z' riskType: type: object required: - lowerBound - upperBound - level - icon properties: lowerBound: type: number example: 0 description: Lower bound upperBound: type: number example: 5 description: Upper bound level: type: string example: "Low Risk" description: Risk level color: type: string example: orange description: Risk color icon: type: string example: Triangle description: Icon name riskScaleRequest: type: object properties: riskLevels: type: array items: type: object properties: type: type: string example: "IndividualRisk" levels: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/riskType' example: { "riskLevels": [ { "type": "IndividualRisk", "levels": [ { "lowerBound": 0, "upperBound": 4, "level": "Low Risk", "color": "green", "icon": "Circle" }, { "lowerBound": 5, "upperBound": 8, "level": "Moderate Risk", "color": "orange", "icon": "Square" } ] }, { "type": "TotalRisk", "levels": [ { "lowerBound": 0, "upperBound": 10, "level": "Low Risk", "color": "green", "icon": "Circle" }, { "lowerBound": 11, "upperBound": 20, "level": "High Risk", "color": "red", "icon": "Triangle" } ] } ] } riskScaleResponse: type: object properties: riskLevels: type: array items: type: object properties: type: type: string example: "IndividualRisk" levels: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/riskType' example: { "riskLevels": [ { "type": "TotalRisk", "levels": [ { "lowerBound": 0, "upperBound": 10, "level": "Low Risk", "color": "green", "icon": "Circle", "iconPath": "" }, { "lowerBound": 11, "upperBound": 20, "level": "High Risk", "color": "red", "icon": "Triangle", "iconPath": "" } ] } ] } providerInfo: type: object properties: provider: type: string description: Provider name format: string example: "kira" providerUrl: type: string description: Provider URL format: string example: "" useIchronos: type: boolean description: Use iChronos format: boolean example: true logoUrl: type: string description: Logo URL format: string example: providerSpecific: type: object properties: version: type: string description: Version format: string example: "v1" defaultProjectId: type: string description: Default project ID format: string example: "209" deleteDocumentFromKira: type: boolean description: '"Delete document" indicator' format: boolean example: false retrieveHighlightedDocument: type: boolean description: '"Retrieve highlighted document" indicator' format: boolean example: true storedProviderInfo: type: object properties: provider: type: string description: Provider name format: string example: "Kira" providerUrl: type: string description: Provider URL format: string example: "" providerToken: type: string description: Provider token format: string example: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzIjoiRUVWOTA4RzNrcEF2ZnVwTWpIZ1pZSGxnIiwiZiI6Mzk3fQ.B7jK7thmhWgsgd3Xxx-GtsV0TwSsEAXaIsTIuqV3vn8" tenant: type: string description: Tenant ID format: string example: apttussfdc instanceUrl: type: string description: Instance URL format: string example: maxUrl: type: string description: Max URL format: string example: "" maxToken: type: string description: Max token format: string example: "a17b499c0668904aea0b675099e531b82cfb" iddUrl: type: string description: IDD URL format: string example: "" iddToken: type: string description: IDD token format: string example: "a17b499c0668904aea0b675099e531b82cfb" logoUrl: type: string description: Logo URL format: string example: useIchronos: type: boolean description: Use iChronos format: boolean example: true providerSpecific: type: object properties: version: type: string description: Version format: string example: "v1" defaultProjectId: type: string description: Default project ID format: string example: "123" deleteDocumentFromKira: type: boolean description: '"Delete document" indicator' format: boolean example: false retrieveHighlightedDocument: type: boolean description: '"Retrieve highlighted document" indicator' format: boolean example: true createProvisionMap: type: object properties: project_name: type: string description: Project name format: string example: sample_idd recordType: type: string description: Record type format: string example: MSA syncProvisions: type: boolean description: Sync provisions format: boolean example: true syncProvisionIds: type: object properties: clauseMap: type: object properties: 268: type: array items: example: "congaTemplateId": "234abc" fieldMap: type: object properties: 2: type: array items: example: "objectName": "Apttus__APTS_Agreement__c" "congaField": "Free" clauseMap: type: object properties: 267: type: array items: example: "congaTemplateId": "345678" 268: type: array items: example: "congaTemplateId": "234abc" fieldMap: type: object properties: 2: type: array items: example: "objectName": "Apttus__APTS_Agreement__c" "congaField": "Free" 1038: type: array items: example: "objectName": "Apttus__APTS_Agreement__c" "congaField": "Lively" getProvisionMap: type: object properties: project_name: type: string description: Project name format: string example: sample_idd syncProvisions: type: boolean description: Sync Provisions format: boolean example: true instanceUrl: type: string description: Instance URL format: string example: syncProvisionIds: type: object properties: clauseMap: type: object properties: 268: type: array items: example: "congaTemplateId": "234abc" fieldMap: type: object properties: 2: type: array items: example: "objectName": "Apttus__APTS_Agreement__c" "congaField": "Free" project_id: type: string description: Project ID format: string example: 67 template_id: type: string description: Template ID format: string example: 795 recordType: type: string description: Record type format: string example: NDA tenant: type: string description: Tenant format: string example: apttussfdc clauseMap: type: object properties: 267: type: array items: example: "congaTemplateId": "345678" 268: type: array items: example: "congaTemplateId": "234abc" fieldMap: type: object properties: 2: type: array items: example: "objectName": "Apttus__APTS_Agreement__c" "congaField": "Free" 1038: type: array items: example: "objectName": "Apttus__APTS_Agreement__c" "congaField": "Lively" provisionMapResult: type: object properties: project_id: type: number example: 209 template_id: type: number example: 170 editProvisionMap: type: object description: New field map/clause map values properties: project_name: type: string description: Project name format: string example: updated-project-name project_id: type: number description: Existing project ID example: 625 clauseMap: type: object properties: 272: type: array items: example: "congaTemplateId": "345678" 268: type: array items: example: "congaTemplateId": "234abc" fieldMap: type: object properties: 9: type: array items: example: "objectName": "Apttus__APTS_Agreement__c" "congaField": "Happy" 1038: type: array items: example: "objectName": "Apttus__APTS_Agreement__c" "congaField": "Lively" provider: type: string description: Provider info format: string example: kira syncProvisions: type: boolean description: Sync provisions format: boolean example: true syncProvisionIds: type: object properties: clauseMap: type: object properties: 272: type: array items: example: "congaTemplateId": "345678" fieldMap: type: object properties: 9: type: array items: example: "objectName": "Apttus__APTS_Agreement__c" "congaField": "Happy" fieldsToAdd: type: integer example: [9, 272] fieldsToRemove: type: integer example: [2, 267] getProvisions: type: object properties: provider: type: string description: Provider info format: string example: kira tenant: type: string description: Tenant info format: string example: apttussfdc instanceUrl: type: string description: Instance URL format: string example: provisions: type: object properties: 1: type: object example: "field_id": 1, "field_name": "Title" 2: type: object example: "field_id": 2, "field_name": "Parties" "mappedProvisions": [ { "objectName" : "Apttus__APTS_Agreement__c", "congaField" : "Free" }] provisions: type: object properties: provider: type: string description: Provider info format: string example: kira tenant: type: string description: Tenant info format: string example: apttussfdc instanceUrl: type: string description: Instance info format: string example: "" provisions: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/provisionResult' description: Sample provisions example: provider: kira tenant: max instanceUrl: provisions: - field_id: 1 field_name: Title - field_id: 2 field_name: Parties provisionResult: type: object properties: field_id: type: string description: ID format: id example: 1 field_name: type: string description: Field name format: string example: Title provisionMapByRecordType: type: object properties: tenant: type: string description: Tenant name example: conga recordType: type: string description: Type of record example: NDA objectName: type: string description: Name of CLM object example: Apttus__APTS_Agreement__c fieldMap: $ref: '#/components/schemas/provisionMapByRecordType_fieldMap' description: Filter provision map by record type example: fieldMap: fieldId_1: - fieldName: Apttus__Total_Contract_Value__c - fieldName: Apttus__Total_Contract_Value__c recordType: NDA objectName: Apttus__APTS_Agreement__c tenant: conga fieldName: type: object properties: fieldName: type: string description: Field name example: Apttus__Total_Contract_Value__c description: Field name example: fieldName: Apttus__Total_Contract_Value__c entityResolutionResult: type: object properties: type: type: string description: Entity type Mod: type: string description: Modifier start: type: string description: Start date format: datetime end: type: string description: End date format: datetime description: Explanation of query clause User: type: object properties: id: type: integer format: int64 username: type: string firstName: type: string lastName: type: string email: type: string password: type: string phone: type: string userStatus: type: integer description: User status format: int32 xml: name: User provisionResult_Apttus__ProvisionType__c: type: object properties: Clause: type: boolean description: Clause example: false default: false Field: type: boolean description: Field example: true default: false description: Provision type example: Field: true Clause: false provisionMapByRecordType_fieldMap: type: object properties: fieldId_1: type: array description: Field ID maps to array of fields items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/fieldName' description: Each Kira provision (field_id) maps to an array of CLM fields or clauses (field name or template ID) example: fieldId_1: - fieldName: Apttus__Total_Contract_Value__c - fieldName: Apttus__Total_Contract_Value__c entityResponse: type: object properties: entity: type: string description: Sub-phrase format: string startIndex: type: integer description: Start index of the sub-phrase format: int32 endIndex: type: integer description: End index of the sub-phrase format: int32 type: type: string description: Entity resolution type format: string resolution: $ref: '#/components/schemas/entityResolutionResultList' entityResponseList: type: object properties: phrase: type: string description: Input phrase entities: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/entityResponse' example: phrase: pull up quotes expiring in the next 90 days that are starting next week entities: - entity: in the next 90 days startIndex: 24 endIndex: 42 type: daterange resolution: values: - type: daterange start: '2020-09-11' end: '2020-12-10' - entity: starting next week startIndex: 53 endIndex: 70 type: daterange resolution: values: - type: daterange Mod: since start: '2020-09-14' altValues: - type: daterange start: '2020-09-14' end: '2020-09-20' notes: starting entityResolutionResultList: type: object description: Entity resolution properties: values: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/entityResolutionResult' uploadBody: type: object properties: project_id: type: string description: Project ID format: string example: "880" uploadContext: type: object properties: recordType: type: string description: Record type format: string example: "NDA" projectId: type: string description: Project ID format: string example: "880" instanceUrl: type: string description: Instance URL format: string example: "" uploadHeader: type: object properties: accept: type: string description: Accept type format: string example: "application/json" Authorization: type: string description: Bearer token format: string example: Bearer 12345 Content-Type: type: string description: Content type format: string example: "multipart/form-data" uploadInfoResult: type: object properties: uploadUrl: type: string description: URL format: string example: "" uploadMethod: type: string description: Request method format: string example: GET uploadHeader: $ref: '#/components/schemas/uploadHeader' uploadBodyParameter: $ref: '#/components/schemas/uploadBody' context: $ref: '#/components/schemas/uploadContext' notificationInfo: type: object description: Including this webhook information enables automatic polling by IDD. properties: url: type: string description: URL format: string example: "" method: type: string description: Request method format: string example: "POST" uploadInfo: type: object description: The document has been uploaded manually, and the client has received the document and job IDs. Use this object to pass that information to IDD. properties: jobId: type: string description: Job ID format: string example: "80291" documentId: type: string description: Document ID format: string example: "394201" context: $ref: '#/components/schemas/uploadContext' notificationInfo: $ref: '#/components/schemas/notificationInfo' uploadFileInfo: type: object description: Pass the download document information to IDD, which will download the document and then upload it to the provider. If notificationInfo is included, then IDD will poll the document status and notify the webhook. properties: fileLink: type: string description: Link to file to upload format: string example: "" filesize: type: integer description: Size of file format: int64 example: 123213 fileFormat: type: string description: File format (for example, `docx`, `pdf`) format: string example: "docx" fileTitle: type: string description: File name format: string example: "NDA_Agreement.docx" context: $ref: '#/components/schemas/uploadContext' notificationInfo: $ref: '#/components/schemas/notificationInfo' extractedProvision: type: object properties: tags: type: array description: A possibly empty array of strings with tags that were assigned to the field instances items: type: string flag_user_id: type: integer description: Integer identifier of user that red-flagged the field instance format: int64 field_name: type: string description: Name of the field format: string field_instance_url: type: string description: URL for viewing the field instance in the AI engine's UI format: string page_range: type: array description: An array of two integers indicating the document pages (inclusive) on which the field instance starts and ends. items: type: integer format: int64 is_flagged: type: boolean description: Boolean indicating if a field instance is red-flagged text_ranges: description: An array of text ranges where this field instance text occurs in the document, each element containing two integer elements, representing the range start (inclusive) and end (exclusive) respectively type: array items: type: array items: type: integer field_instance_id: type: integer format: int64 description: Integer identifier of the field instance field_id: description: Integer identifier of the field type: integer format: int64 text: description: Text of the field instance type: string format: string mappedFields: description: An array of objects and fields this provision maps to type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/mappedField' mappedClauses: description: An array of template IDs this provision maps to type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/mappedClause' mappedField: type: object properties: objectName: description: Object name type: string format: string congaField: description: Field name type: string format: string mappedClause: type: object properties: congaTemplateId: description: Template ID type: string format: string extractedFileInfo: type: object properties: projectId: type: string description: Project ID format: string example: "625" documentId: type: string description: Document ID format: string example: "82736" jobId: type: string description: Job ID format: string example: "43325" recordType: type: string description: Record type format: string example: "NDA" foundProvisionMap: type: boolean description: Boolean indicating if a provision map was found format: string example: true extractedProvisions: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/extractedProvision' uploadFileFeedback: type: object properties: projectId: type: string description: Project ID format: string example: "625" documentId: type: string description: Document ID format: string example: "82736" jobId: type: string description: Job ID format: string example: "43325" jobStatusInProgress: type: object properties: status: type: string description: Job status format: string example: "in progress" responseBody: type: object description: Response from provider properties: retry_after: type: integer example: 15 job_status: type: string example: "in-progress" last_update_time: type: string example: "2021-01-19T22:52:20Z" jobStatusComplete: type: object properties: status: type: string description: Job status format: string example: "complete" responseBody: type: object description: Response from provider properties: is_successful: type: boolean example: true downloadId: type: string description: Download ID. Only included if a download job was initiated. format: string example: "1028" job_id: type: string example: "405194" document_id: type: string example: "85401" redirect_href: type: string example: "" analyzeJobDeniedError: type: object properties: status: type: string description: Status format: string example: "error" errorMessage: type: string description: Error message format: string example: "Job access denied" analyzeJobDoesNotExistError: type: object properties: status: type: string description: Status format: string example: "error" errorMessage: type: string description: Error message format: string example: "Job does not exist" analyzeJobUnavailableError: type: object properties: status: type: string description: Status format: string example: "error" errorMessage: type: string description: Error message format: string example: "Job information unavailable" analyzeDocDeniedError: type: object properties: status: type: string description: Status format: string example: "error" errorMessage: type: string description: Error message format: string example: "Document access denied" analyzeDocDoesNotExistError: type: object properties: status: type: string description: Status format: string example: "error" errorMessage: type: string description: Error message format: string example: "Document does not exist" documentStatus: type: object properties: status: type: string description: Status format: string example: "'in progress' or 'complete'" responseBody: type: object description: Response from provider properties: is_extracted: type: boolean example: true language: type: string example: "English" scan_quality: type: string example: "A" is_scanned: type: boolean example: true page_count: type: integer example: 4 error_code: type: integer example: 0 jobId: type: integer example: 625 document_id: type: string example: "82839" job_id: type: string example: "1920" exportInfoResult: type: object properties: jobId: type: string description: Job ID format: string example: "4839" documentId: type: string description: Document ID format: string example: "83920" context: type: object properties: instanceUrl: type: string example: "" exportUnsupportedArgumentsError: type: object properties: status: type: string description: Status format: string example: "error" errorMessage: type: string description: Error message format: string example: "Unsupported arguments" exportAccessDeniedError: type: object properties: status: type: string description: Status format: string example: "error" errorMessage: type: string description: Error message format: string example: "Document, project, or field access denied" exportDocDoesNotExistError: type: object properties: status: type: string description: Status format: string example: "error" errorMessage: type: string description: Error message format: string example: "Document does not exist" exportServiceUnavailableError: type: object properties: status: type: string description: Status format: string example: "error" errorMessage: type: string description: Error message format: string example: "Service Unavailable" downloadAccessDeniedError: type: object properties: status: type: string description: Status format: string example: "error" errorMessage: type: string description: Error message format: string example: "Download access denied" downloadDoesNotExistError: type: object properties: status: type: string description: Status format: string example: "error" errorMessage: type: string description: Error message format: string example: "Download does not exist" downloadHeader: type: object properties: Authorization: type: string example: "Bearer xxxx" downloadResult: type: object properties: status: type: string description: "File status. <br>  `downloaded`: this file has been downloaded. <br>  finished: export is done, and this file can be downloaded." format: string example: "downloaded or finished" downloadUrl: type: string description: Download URL format: string example: "" downloadMethod: type: string description: Download method format: string example: "GET" downloadHeader: $ref: '#/components/schemas/downloadHeader' downloadDocRequest: type: object properties: downloadId: type: string description: Download ID format: string example: "80291" fileName: type: string description: Name of file format: string example: "hightlightedDoc" uploadUrl: type: string format: string example: "" context: $ref: '#/components/schemas/uploadContext' notificationInfo: $ref: '#/components/schemas/notificationInfo' insightsScore : type : array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/insightScore' insightScore : type : object properties: score : type: string description: score to be updated for an insight format: string example: 10 recordId : type: string description: Record ID string for the insight format: string example: a14459d1e6e4b analyzeRiskResults : type: object properties : summary : type : object $ref : '#/components/schemas/riskAnalysisSummary' insights: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/analysedinsightmaps' example: { "objectId": "a0C4T000000ifZZUAY", "instanceUrl": "", "tenant": "apttussfdc", "recordType": "MSA", "docId": "0684T000003u3eeQAA", "recordId": "507423", "insights": [ { "name": "LiquidatedDamageCap", "score": "15", "ratingLevel": "Very High", "ratingIcon": "", "result": true, "provisions": [ { "fieldNumber": 2, "fieldName": "Start Date", "provider": "KIRA" } ], "alternateClause": [{ "clauseId": 1234, "caluseName": "Start Date" }], "criteriaPlan": [ { "field": "Apttus__Total_Contract_Value__c", "fieldType": "extractedField", "fieldId": 681, "value": "150000", "desc": "Total Agreement Value > 1000", "result": true, "resolvedDesc": "Apttus__Total_Contract_Value__c = 150000", "conditionDesc": "Total Agreement Value > 1000" }, { "field": "Apttus__Remaining_Contracted_Days__c", "fieldType": "metaData", "value": 0, "desc": "Remaining Contracted Days = 0", "result": false, "resolvedDesc": "Apttus__Remaining_Contracted_Days__c = 0", "conditionDesc": "Remaining Contracted Days = 0" } ] } ] } riskAnalysisSummary : type: object properties : totalprovisons : type: string description : Total provisions in the insights format : string example : 10 totalRiskScore : type : string description : Total risk score for insights of a record type format : string example : 28 categoryTotals : $ref : '#/components/schemas/categoryTotals' categoryTotals : type: object properties : low : type: string description : Number of provisions with low risk format : string example : 10 analyzeRisk: type: object properties : object : type : string description : Object (agreement, quote etc) format : string example : Apttus__APTS_Agreement__c module : type : string description : Module (for example, clm, cpq) format : string example : clm title: type: string description: Title of document or agreement format: string example: intellimport format : type : string description : Document format (such as pdf, docx, etc.) format : string example: PDF analysedinsightmaps : type: object properties : insightName: type: string description: Insight display name format: string example: Liquidated Damage Cap > $20 mil insightRatingIcon: type: string description: Icon for risk format: string example: insightRating: type: string description: Insights rating format: string example: 15 insightRatingLevel: type: string description : Rating level format : string example : Very High summary: type: string description: Summary of the criteria plan format: string example: Liquidated Damages Cap > 20 Mil AND contains force of god OR start date < 2021-09-02 type: type: string description: Type of insight (risk, warning, etc.) format: string example: Risk guidance: type: string description: Insight guidance format: string example: Needs VP of Finance approval result: type: string description: Results of criteria resolved format: string example: true relatedProvisions: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/relatedProvisions' alternateClause: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/alternateClauseList' criteriaPlan: type: object properties: expressionType: type: string description: Type of expression. Describes the Boolean operation type (all, any, custom) of the search expression. format: string example: custom expression: type: string description: Expression to be computed format: string example: (1 AND 2) criteriadetails: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/analysedcriteriadetails' analysedcriteriadetails : type: object properties: fieldLabel: type: string description: Field label of a search format: string example: Start Date field: type: string description: Field of the search's criteria format: string example: Apttus__Contract_Start_Date__c fieldType: type: string description: Field type of the search criterion, such as extractedField, extractedClause, metaData, mergedField, etc.) format: string example: ExtractedField operator: type: string description: Logical operator embodied in the search criteria format: string example: < value: type: string description: Value of a criterion format: string example: 2021-09-02 display: type: string description: Display string of a search format: string example: Start Date < 2021-09-02 result : type: string description : Resolved result of the search format : string example : true text-range : type : string description: Page range of the search in which matches were found (Kira pass-through). format : string example : [112-145] insightmaps: type: object properties : insights : type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/insightmap' insightmap: type: object properties: insightName: type: string description: Insight display name format: string example: Liquidated Damage Cap > $20 mil insightRatingIcon: type: string description: Icon for risk format: string example: insightRating: type: string description: Insights rating format: string example: 15 insightRatingLevel: type: string description: Rating level format: string example: Very High summary: type: string description: Summary of the criteria plan format: string example: Liquidated Damages Cap > 20 Mil AND contains act of god OR start date < 2021-09-02 type: type: string description: Type of insight (risk, warning, etc.) format: string example: Risk guidance: type: string description: Insight guidance format: string example: Needs VP of Finance approval relatedProvisions: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/relatedProvisions' alternateClause: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/alternateClauseList' criteriaPlan: type: object properties: expressionType : type: string description: Type of expression. Describes the Boolean operation type (all, any, custom) of the search expression. format: string example: custom expression : type: string description: Expression to be computed format: string example: (1 AND (2 OR 3 OR 4) AND 5) criteriaDetails: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/insightCriteriaPlan' alternateClauseList: type: object properties: clauseId: type: string description: Alternate clause ID example: 1234 caluseName: type: string description: Alternate clause name example: Start Date relatedProvisions: type: object properties: fieldNumber: type: string description : Field number of the provision example : 2 fieldName: type: string description : Field name of the provision example : Start Date provider: type: string description : This provision's provider example : Kira fieldType: type: string description : Field type of the provision example : ExtractedField insightCriteriaPlan: type: object properties: objectLabel : type: string description: Label of the clause format: string example: Agreement objectValue : type: string description: Object from which the search criteria are formed format: string example: Apttus__APTS_Agreement__c objectType : type: string description: Type of object format: string example: salesforceObject fieldLabel : type: string description: Field label of the criteria format: string example: Start Date field : type: string description: Field of the criteria format: string example: Apttus__Contract_Start_Date__c fieldType : type: string description: The search criteria's field type format: string example: Apttus__Contract_Start_Date__c operator : type: string description: The operator acting on the search criteria format: string example: < value : type: string description: The value of a search criterion format: string example: 2021-09-02 display : type: string description: Display string of the criterion format: string example: Start Date < 2021-09-02 insightMapResult : type: object properties: tenant: type: string example: apttussfdc record_type: type: string example: NDA iSearchQueryClauseList: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/iSearchQueryClause' iSearchQueryClause: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/components/schemas/iSearchQueryClauseItem' iSearchQueryClauseItem: type: object properties: expression: type: string description: Query expression terms: type: array items: type: string keywords: type: string description: Keyword expression iSearchQueryTerm: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: Map of key-value pairs containing table-to-query-term mapping iSearchRuleQueryClauseList: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/iSearchRuleQueryClause' iSearchRuleQueryClause: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/components/schemas/iSearchRuleQueryClauseItem' iSearchRuleQueryClauseItem: type: object properties: expression: type: string description: Query expression terms: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/iSearchRuleQueryClauseTerm' keywords: type: string description: Keyword expression iSearchRuleQueryClauseTerm: type: object properties: condition: type: string description: Query expression example: "Apttus__Total_Contract_Value__c > 20000" desc: type: string description: "Contract value compliance" searchOptions: type: object properties: fetchResults: type: boolean description: If true, resolve query and return object IDs matching the query. format: boolean default: false fetchQueryPlan: type: boolean description: If true, return query plan used to resolve the NL phrase. format: boolean default: false mask: type: boolean description: If true, redact input phrase details in analytics logging. format: boolean default: false sessionTreatment: type: string description: '''clear'': Clears the session <br>''keep-alive'': Does not alter the session<br>''terminate'' (or any other value): Terminates the session' format: string default: terminate applyDefaultAlias: type: boolean description: If true, applies a default implicit alias to applicable objects. For example, when querying for opportunities, only opportunities with the stage field set to `open` are returned. default: true personalize: type: boolean description: If true, only records owned or created by the searching user are searched. default: true keywordCacheTimeout: type: integer description: Time, in minutes, that document lookups will be cached (0 to 60). If <= 0, cache is disabled. default: 30 searchLimit: type: integer description: "Maximum number of records to pull up during document search" default: 300 pageSize: type: integer description: "Maximum number of records to return in a single response" default: 30 countRows: type: boolean description: "Enables counting records matching the query, regardless of limit" default: false enableDocVersionSearch: type: boolean description: "Enables a search of the doc version" default: true enableContentDocumentSearch: type: boolean description: "Enables a search of document contents" default: true enableAgreementDocSearch: type: boolean description: "Enables an agreement doc search" default: true singleDocPerRow: type: boolean description: "If set, one array row is returned for each document" default: false includeFiles: type: array description: List of file names to be included in document search. If specified, overrides the excludeFiles setting. items: type: string example: ["*Final.pdf", "*.docx", "Intelligent.*"] excludeFiles: type: array description: List of file names to be excluded from document search. If includeFiles is also specified, excludeFiles is ignored. items: type: string example: ["*Tentative.pdf", "*.rtf", "Intelligent*.png"] timeout: type: integer description: Time, in milliseconds, allowed for the execution of a search query. The maximum permissible timeout is 90 seconds. default: 15000 context: type: object description: Any JSON object to be logged in an analytics payload. example: { "fetchResults": true, "sessionTreatment": "clear", "countRows": true, "enableSynonymSearch": true } iSearchRuleQuery: type: object description: iSearch rule query block properties: primaryObject: type: string description: Primary object being queried scope: type: array description: List of conditions specifying the candidate objects on which the query plan shall be executed items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/iSearchQueryTerm' clause: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/iSearchRuleQueryClauseList' options: $ref: '#/components/schemas/searchOptions' example: { "name": "MSA-Risk", "primaryObject": "Apttus__APTS_Agreement__c", "scope": ["a0C4T000000ifZZUAY"], "clause": { "Apttus__APTS_Agreement__c": { "terms": { "expression": "(1 AND ((2 AND 3) OR 4 OR 5) AND 6 AND (7 OR 8))", "conditions": [ { "field": "Apttus__Contract_Start_Date__c", "fieldType": "mergedField", "fieldId": "1039", "operator": "NLExpression", "value": "less than 30 days from now" }, { "field": "Apttus__Contract_End_Date__c", "fieldType": "mergedField", "fieldId": "1040", "operator": "NLExpression", "value": "after ${Apttus__Contract_Start_Date__c}" }, { "field": "Apttus__Contract_End_Date__c", "fieldType": "mergedField", "fieldId": "1040", "operator": "NLExpression", "value": "more than 2 years from ${Apttus__Contract_Start_Date__c}", "guidance": "End date is more than 2 years from start date" }, { "field": "Apttus__Total_Contract_Value__c", "fieldType": "extractedField", "fieldId": 681, "operator": ">", "value": "1000" }, { "field": "Apttus__Remaining_Contracted_Days__c", "fieldType": "metaData", "operator": "=", "value": "0" }, { "field": "keywords", "fieldType": "ContentVersion", "fieldId": "0684T000003u3eeQAA", "title": "intellimport", "format": "pdf", "operator": "NLExpression", "value": "Force Majeure and Term" }, { "field": "Force Majeure", "fieldType": "extractedClause", "fieldId": "267", "operator": "not contains", "value": "Pandemic, earthquake" }, { "field": "Limitation of Liability", "fieldType": "extractedField", "operator": ">", "value": "2000000", "desc": "High liability" } ] } } }, "options": { "objectOverride": true, "defaultFieldType": "mergedField", "fetchResults": true, "sessionTreatment": "clear", "singleDocPerRow": false }, "objectData": { "a0C4T000000ifZUUAY": { "Account.Name": "Acme Inc", "Limitation of Liability": "1000000" } }, "metaData": { "name": "Core risk criteria", "score": "0.1" } } requestBodies: registerProvider: description: "Request to register a provider" required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/providerInfo' createProvisionMap: description: "Request to create a provision map" required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/createProvisionMap' editProvisionMap: description: "Request to edit a provision map" required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/editProvisionMap' insightMap: description: "Request to create, delete, or update insight map" required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/insightmaps' analyzeRisk: description: "Request to create insight extracted with insight analysis" required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/analyzeRisk' insightsExtracted: description: "Request to handle extracted insights" required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/analyzeRiskResults' patchInsightsExtracted: description: "Request to update extracted insights" required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/insightsScore' editProvisionMapField: description: "Request to edit a provision map field" required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/editProvisionMap' UserRequest: description: "Request a user" content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/User' required: true exportRequest: description: Request for export. If `notificationInfo` is included, polling is performed for export completion. required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: payload: type: object properties: export_format: type: string example: "pdf" include_highlight: type: boolean example: false pdf_quality: type: string example: "low" notificationInfo: $ref: '#/components/schemas/notificationInfo' notificationInfoRequest: description: "Webhook information" required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: notificationInfo: $ref: '#/components/schemas/notificationInfo' uploadInfoRequest: description: "Request to: <ol><li>uploadJobInfo: Post job/document information to IDD, </li><li>uploadJobInfoWithNotification: Post job/document information to IDD and receive notification on completion, or</li><li>uploadDocumentInfo: Give IDD a link to the file to upload. If notificationInfo is provided, notify on completion.</li></ol></p>" required: true content: application/json: schema: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/uploadInfo' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/uploadFileInfo' examples: uploadJobInfo: $ref: '#/components/examples/uploadJobInfo' uploadJobInfoWithNotification: $ref: '#/components/examples/uploadJobInfoWithNotification' uploadDocumentInfo: $ref: '#/components/examples/uploadDocumentInfo' downloadDocRequest: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/downloadDocRequest' examples: downloadRequest: $ref: '#/components/examples/downloadRequest' riskScaleRequest: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/riskScaleRequest' securitySchemes: BearerAuth: type: http scheme: bearer bearerFormat: JWT APIKeyAuth: type: apiKey name: X-API-Key in: header