You can send quote proposal attachments to an external contact by using the following conversation flow: 

Workflow StepPossible Conversational InputsMax Reply
Send Confirmation
  • Send it!
  • Change details

Max takes the relevant information from the conversation in order to format it and send it as an email.

If there is no attachment, Max replies:

Sorry! That quote does not have any attachments to send.

You confirm

MAX shows you the intended recipient and their email address. User clicks Send It, to proceedAll set! I’ve sent your proposal to Smith at Somerville Outfitters Inc, and I’ve cc’d you on the email.
Let me know if there is anything else I can help with.

You ask MAX to send it to a different recipient than the one suggested by MAX.

All set! I’ve sent your proposal to ABC at Conga and I’ve cc’d you on the email.

Let me know if there is anything else I can help with.

You say "proceed" or "go ahead". You can use one of the following ways to ask Max to proceed:

  • yes

  • looks great

  • looks good

  • letsgo

  • lets do it

  • ok

  • sure

  • go for it

  • cool

  • proceed

  • go ahead

All set! I’ve sent your proposal to ABC at Conga and I’ve cc’d you on the email.

Let me know if there is anything else I can help with.

You say "go back".

This step applies only if there is a valid context to go back to. If you looked up quotes and invoked review and decided to go back, this option will take you to the last major step.

Max displays the Quote details.
You want to change detailsYou clicked Change Details.

What would you like to change?

  1. Recipient
  2. Email Template
  3. Nothing, send it off!