Apart from supporting the out-of-the-box conversations, Max supports the following functionalities: 

Processing indicators

Max provides numerous processing indications to manage user expectations while it is working on user inputs.

    • Max displays a thinking icon (an animated ellipsis) while it works on the user request.
    • Max displays courtesy messages such as "Just a moment", "Give me a sec", "Hang on for a second".
    • Max displays empathetic messages such as "Apologies, this is taken longer than expected, appreciate your patience" for requests that take longer than usual to process. 
Multi-intent workflows

Max allows the user to specify multiple intents in a single command. For example: "create nda for Alpha Gas and send it to Bob Schank <bschank@acme.com> for signature."

Zero input workflows

Max makes smart on-the-spot-decisions on your behalf. For example:

    • Max picks the most frequently updated template and further filters it by user's existing template filter choices by incorporating the settings of the account, agreement or other objects.
    • Max picks the most frequently used document format for agreement documents in the last 30 days.
Ease of useMax provides easy to click quick action buttons, while also allowing the user to provide verbal inputs.
Mobile supportMax allows users to invoke the conversation via a mobile browser or the embedded Max plugin from the native SFDC app on both iPhone and Android devices.
Voice dictationMax allows users to provide input using the inbuilt keyboard dictation on iPhone and Android devices.

Handling unsupported intents

Handling unsupported intents: Max understands the popular workflows that it cannot handle. For such workflows, it displays appropriate help to guide you. For example: You ask Max to "create an account", Max responds with the message:

I’m sorry! I’m not able to create accounts for you at this point. You can find instructions on how to create an account here: Managing Accounts in Salesforce. If you’d like me to be able to do this for you, you can reach out to your Max Admin and the Conga team by clicking here.

Contextual help

Max understands the context of the user conversation and responds with the correct help text. For examples of Contextual Help, refer to Contextual Help.

Provide feedbackYou can provide feedback to Max at any stage in your conversation. To provide feedback, type Feedback or Provide Feedback in Max chat window. Max asks you whether your feedback is positive or negative. Based on your feedback, Max asks you to provide details about what you liked and what you disliked. After providing your feedback, Max navigates you back to your conversation. 

All major conversation steps provide you with the following options:

    • Proceed: User can respond affirmatively and proceed with the action
    • Change Details: User can opt to change details first and then proceed
    • Abort: User can abort the operation by canceling the request
    • Go back: User can go back to the previous major workflow step when applicable.
    • End: Ends the conversation by typing "Bye"
Quick answers

If you ask a specific question such as "what is the expiration date of the Google quote?", Max provides a quick answer with a generated sentence, answering your query as below:

The Valid Until Date for Google Dec-2018 is Fri Dec 14 2018. Here are the details of the quote: ...

Yes/No Questions

If you ask Max a specific yes/no question such as "Is the Google quote accepted?", Max provides a quick yes/no answer with a generated sentence answering your query as follows:

Yes, The Google quote is Accepted. 

Response relevance

When a user asks for specific fields from quotes that satisfy a certain search criterion, Max includes both the fields that are selected and the fields used for filtering the results, in addition to the default fields that are normally displayed.

Conversational analyticsAll workflow steps, parameter selections, user utterances, workflow anomalies are logged as part of conversational analytics. This data is used as the raw material to study usage trends, usability and other issues that help improve Max. 
Proactive greetingIn the embedded mode, Max proactively greets you when you click the Max pop-up window.
NOT queriesYou can ask Max to look up agreements that do not contain a particular string. For example, you can ask Max to pull up the service clauses for agreements over $20K with the verbiage tax credits but not refunds. Max replies by displaying all agreements over $20K containing Tax Credits in the Agreement Name and not containing Refunds in the Agreement Name.
Proactive tips

Max offers proactive tips to the user based on the conversation context. For example:

Let’s get started! What can I do for you?

  • You can create an agreement by saying: ‘create an nda and send it to John Snow for signature’
  • You can search for agreement(s) by saying: ‘help me find the last NDAs I created on 08/01/2018’
  • You can search for fields within agreements by saying: ‘show me the ACV of the last MSA I created, and also list the start date and duration’
  • You can search for quote(s) by saying: ‘help me find the last quote I created in 2018’
  • You can search for fields within quotes by saying: ‘show me the amount of the last quote I created, and also show me the expiration date