The Installed Packages tab provides the details of all the packages installed in your org. 

This tab provides the details in a tabular format where you can find the following details for each package installed in your org:

Column Name



The name of the package.

Installed Release NameThe name of the release installed in the org.
Installed VersionThe current version number of the package that is installed in this org.

Latest GA Release Name

The latest name of the GA release. If the installed version and the latest GA version are different, then this field is highlighted with () icon.

Latest GA Version

The latest version number of the package that is available for this org.

Actions available on this tab

Auto Upgrade: The Auto Upgrade feature is a provision in the installed packages tab that allows Conga to auto-upgrade the org when a new GA release is available.

To enable the auto upgrade feature:

  1. Toggle the button as enabled in the Auto Upgrade section.
  2. Click Confirm in the Auto upgrade confirmation pop-up. You have enabled the auto upgrade feature successfully.

To disable the auto-upgrade feature: 

  1. Toggle the button as disabled in the Auto Upgrade section.
  2. Click Confirm in the Auto upgrade confirmation pop-up.

Package Access: The package access feature allows you to set the accessibility for Conga packages which shall be upgraded using Conga Upgrade Program.

  1. Click Set Package Access.
  2. The Conga Package Access pop-up is displayed. Select whether you want to install the package only for admin users, for all users, or for specific profiles. Select one or more profiles from the drop-down list for each package. System Administrator is selected by default and you cannot remove the profile. Click Save.
  3. Click Confirm in the Conga Package access confirmation pop-up to submit your selections.