Using Template Locale
This topic contains instructions for Conga CLM (Contracts for Salesforce) users. If you are a Conga CLM user and you are looking for information regarding defining template locale, see Defining Template Locale.
Template localization is a feature that allows Template Administrators to define the locale of their templates. Locales can be system defaults or user-defined locales. You can define locale settings at the agreement template and field level. Following are some of the important points about how localization works:
- At the template level:
- You can specify the Locale and choose the Currency Format, Date Format, and configure Number and Currency Precision for the whole template when you create a template.
- You can also change the locale of a template at check-in.
- At the template field level:
- You can use the Fields tab to define locale for Number, Currency, Date, and Precision fields.
- You can also use the Fields tab to define Currency Format, Date Format, Currency Precision, and Number Precision for fields.
- Field-level locale formatting takes precedence over template-level locale formatting.
- For a field, if locale formatting is not defined at field-level, the template formatting is applied.
- If an agreement template has no locale defined, the default locale—English (US) is applied.
To learn how to change field level locale, refer to Changing Field Level Locale.