This section describes how to use Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to extend the features offered by Conga. These extensions add more functionality to the features available through configuration on Salesforce.



What's Covered

This section provides information on how you can use Approval APIs to extend and customize the features offered by Conga Approvals. 

Primary AudienceAdministrators responsible for setting up approvals and users for Approvals.
IT EnvironmentFor information pertaining to the requirements and recommendations, see System Requirements and Supported Platforms Matrix.

For a comprehensive list of updates to this guide for each release, see the What's New in Approvals Documentation topic.

Other Resources

This section describes the APIs provided to work with Approvals objects.

Before using Approvals, you must be familiar with the following:

  • Basic Salesforce administration

  • Salesforce and Conga terms and definitions

Select one of the following topics for more information: