You can assign a delegate user to the current approver. The delegate user can approve requests on behalf of the assigned approver. All approval requests and email notifications are routed to the current approver and the delegate approver.

The following features and limitations are applicable with the delegate user functionality:

  • The delegated assignee receives all approval requests/email notifications assigned to the context approver.

  • The delegated assignee can execute all the functionality that the context user can such as approve, reject, add comments, add adhoc approver, or take ownership of a queue.

  • The delegated assignee cannot be a queue. If the primary user is a part of a queue, an email notification is directed to the delegate assignee and they can take ownership of the queue.

  • If the primary user is a custom or related user, then all email notifications and access must be assigned and sent to the delegate assignee.

  • If the context user is a part of a queue and receives queue email notifications, then the delegate assignee also receives those email notifications and can take ownership of the queue. (queue within a queue). 

  • If the same user is assigned as a backup admin to an approver and as a parallel ad hoc approver, the approval request is shown in both the My Approvals tab as well as in the Take Ownership tab.
  • If the primary user has requested notification on the submission of an approval request, the delegate/backup approver receives the notification.
  • Consolidation: Consolidation is based on the original approval process. If the delegate user is a part of the approval process, they receive a separate notification for the requests directly assigned to them as a primary user. Delegate approvers also receive a delegate email notification based on the consolidation rule of his primary user. For example, if consolidated notifications is turned on and if the primary user has requests in the approval process, they will be consolidated and available to the primary user (and the delegate approver) when all requests are in an assigned status. If the delegate approver has separate requests in the process, they are consolidated and available to the delegate approver when all requests are in an assigned status. 

  • Delegate Setup: Non-time-bound delegation.

  • Suppress notifications options: Option to suppress email notifications to delegate users via a checkbox.

  • Re-assign: After you re-assign a request, the new users delegate and the new users receive the approval request.