For documents with Enable Document Versioning set to True and agreements with Version Aware set to True, you can select and send a specific version of agreement documents for approval. For information on enabling document versioning, see Enabling Contract Document Versioning.  

When selecting an attachment to submit for approval, you can select the attachment from Document Versions along with Files or Notes and Attachments:

Version AwareAttachments
FilesFalseAll attachments are available for selection from Files.

If Show All Document Versions is set as False: 

  • All attachments from Files are available for selection.
  • The latest version from Document Versions is available for selection from Document Version Related List.

If Show All Document Versions is set as True: 

  • All attachments from Files is available for selection.
  • All document versions from Document Versions are available for selection from Document Version Related List.
Notes and AttachmentsFalseAll attachments are available for selection from Notes and Attachments. 

If Show All Document Versions is set as False: 

  • All attachments from Notes and Attachments are available for selection.
  • The latest version from Document Versions is available for selection from Document Version Related List.

If Show All Document Versions is set as True: 

  • All attachments from Notes and Attachments are available for selection.
  • All document versions from Document Versions are available for selection from Document Version Related List. 

To submit version-specific agreements for approvals

  1. Go to Custom Settings → Approvals Custom Config
  2. Select Show all Document Version Details.
  3. Click Save.

All the versions of the agreement documents are now available when you select the agreement attachments to send for approval.  Select the version that you want to send from the Document Version Related List and click Submit.

If you do not set Show all Document Version Details to True, only the latest version of the agreement attachment is available for you to select and send for approval.