This API enables you to delete one or more attachments from a runtime ad hoc approval process. This API accepts the context object type, id, and list of attachment IDs to delete as input parameters and returns true if the attachments were successfully deleted.

DeleteAttachmentsFromRuntimeAdhocApprovalProcesswebService static Boolean DeleteAttachmentsFromRuntimeAdhocApprovalProcess(String sObjectType, Id sObjectId, List attachmentIds)
Request Parameters
sObjectIdIDYesId of the approval context object.
sObjectTypeTypeYesType of the approval context object.
attachmentIdsListYesList of attachment Id's to remove.
Response Parameter
resultBooleanReturns true if the attachments are removed successfully.

Code Sample

	 * Delete attachments from a runtime ad hoc approval process
	 * @param sObjectType the approval context sobject type 
	 * @param sObjectId the approval context sobject identifier
	 * @param attachmentIds the list of attachment ids to remove
 	 * @return <code>true</code> if the attachments were removed, <code>false</code> otherwise 
	WebService static Boolean DeleteAttachmentsFromRuntimeAdhocApprovalProcess(String sObjectType, ID sObjectId, List<ID> attachmentIds);

Integration Details

Use the following information in your integrations with Conga Approvals API. Refer to Integrating Conga with External Systems for information on how to get started.

API Prerequisites


Response/Request XML

Example Request

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:app="">

Example Response

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns="">