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Billing Package Objects

This page lists the objects and its description.

Object Name


Billing Metric

Represents a billing metric for a product or service.

Billing Plan

Represents a billing plan associated with a product or service.

Billing Plan Line Item

Represents a billing plan line item.

Billing Schedule

Represents a billing schedule for a product or service.

Billing Plan Template

Represents the template to create a billing plan.

Billing Plan Template Line Item

Represents a billing template plan line item.

Credit Memo Line Item Tax Breakup

Represents the tax break up for a Credit Memo Line Item (which is usually based on an Order).

Credit Memo Line Item

Represents a single item in a credit memo.

Credit Memo Tax Breakup

Represents the tax break up for a Credit Memo (which is an aggregation of the Credit Memo Line Item Tax Breakups).

Credit Memo

Represents a credit memo associated with an account.

Gateway Communication

Represents request and responses during a communication with a 3rd party Gateway.

Gateway Transaction

Used to store the data from a specific payment/refund transaction (ex: authorization request or capture request and result).

Invoice Line Item Tax Breakup

Represents the tax breakup for an Invoice Line Item (which is usually based on an Order).

Invoice Line Item

Represents a single item in an invoice.

Invoice Run Result

Shows the list of invoices created by an associated invoice run.

Invoice Run

Represents an Immediate or Scheduled invoice creation batch job.

Invoice Tax Breakup

Represents the tax breakup for an Invoice (which is an aggregation of the Invoice Line Item Tax Breakups).


Represents an invoice associated with an account.

Payment Method

Stores the information needed to process a payment.


Represents a payment.


Represents Refunds given to the customer.

Related A/Rtransaction 2

Represents a single AR transaction related to the Invoice, Credit Memo, Payment, Refund etc..

Related A/R Transaction

Represents a single AR transaction related to the Invoice, Credit Memo, Payment, Refund etc..

Temporal Input

Object used to contain input fields required by pages that need to leverage apex:inputfield when gathering input for user driven actions (like creating Invoices)

Usage Input

The usage input for a product or service.

Usage Schedule

Represents a usage schedule for a product or service.