After you finalize a proposal and accept a customer’s order, you can activate purchased orders as the customer’s assets. Every time you create an asset-based order, you must already have assets installed on the account. You must create a new quote to cancel or amend each asset-based order (ABO).

You can begin creating an asset-based order by creating a quote on the account that contains the installed products or assets. After you create the quote, go to the product cart, click Installed Products, and select one of the following actions:

  • Change
  • Swap
  • Renew
  • Terminate

Each action results in a change in the existing ScheduleInvoice Status, and Billing Cycle Start and End Date for that order line item (OLI), asset line item (ALI) or installed product.

The Billing architecture on the Conga platform provides you the flexibility to always supersede the billing schedule record or minimize this behavior for an asset-based orders.

For such substantial changes as a change in billing frequency or a change from recurring to custom billing, Conga Billing supersedes the old billing schedule records (BSRs) and billing schedule details (BSDs) and creates new entries regardless of the setting value.