You might have multiple contacts linked to an account. For sending emails to a few selected contacts from the Account Contact, click Set Billing Contacts on the Account.

You can add filter criteria for picking out contacts you wish to email Invoice or Credit Memo documents. 

For example, you wish to add all support contacts on an Account to your mailing list, your filter condition can be

<Filter>  Contact: Email
<Operator> Equal to


After adding the filter conditions, you can Save and Preview to save the filter criteria and preview added contacts. 

If you have already saved the filter criteria and wish to see the included contacts, click Preview Contacts. If you make any modifications to the filter criteria and click Preview, you will not get the accurate preview. 


To see the Preview with recent results, you must Save the Filter Criteria. Therefore it is recommended that you Save and Preview after updating the filter conditions.

For the given example, all contact emails matching the given value will be added to the mailing list.

If you set Billing Contact Format as Comma Seperated Values, you cannot configure the email templates for invoices and credit memos. The email is sent along with the email attachment, with the text: Please find the invoice attached to this email.

Conga recommends using Filter Criteria as Billing Contact Format.