You can drive certain application features from the Billing System Properties fields.

From Billing Console, click Billing System Properties from the Setup tile. 

This table lists the fields available for editing, their significance, and the features they affect.

FieldDescriptionPrerequisite for Functionalities
Add Manual Lines To An InvoiceIndicates whether to add manual lines to an invoice generated using Invoice Run or "Create Invoices" API.
Allow Billing Preference Override

A default Billing Preference applies to all accounts org-wide. Select this check box to allow overriding the default Billing Preference.

This field is deprecated.

Always Apply Usage Minimum

Enable this flag to apply a usage minimum for a billing period that has no usage inputs.

Auto Manage Payment Term

Select this setting to auto-apply the payment term to your invoice if the payment term is blank in your billing schedule. The payment term is applied to the invoice as follows:

  • For a quote with a billing plan: The payment term attached to the quote or proposal is used on the billing plan and invoice. If no payment term is attached to the quote, the payment term mentioned in Account or Account Location is used on the billing plan and invoice. If no payment term is mentioned in Account or Account Location, no payment term is applied to the billing plan and invoice.
  • For a quote without a billing plan: The payment term attached to the Quote/Proposal is used on the invoice. If no payment term is attached to the quote, the payment term mentioned in Account or Account Location is applied to the invoice.

Billing Multi Currency Management

Indicate which currency management system Billing will use in a multi-currency environment. The value in the Billing Multi Currency Management field controls the decimal precision during the billing and invoicing processes. You can choose to enter Salesforce or Conga.

Billing Org-Wide Email Address

Enter the email address from which you will send an invoice, dunning, and payment emails. You must create a record for the email address in Organization-Wide Email Addresses Object.

If you do not provide a default email address name here, the system will send emails using the email address of the user who is generating invoices.

If you see a sender's email address on invoice emails, go to Setup > Administration Setup > Email Administration > Deliverability and clear the Enable Sender ID compliance checkbox. This enables you to send emails on behalf of the email address set in the Billing Org-Wide Email Address.

Bill Prorated Balance In First Schedule

Use this setting to bill the prorated rounding balances in the first billing schedule instead of the last billing schedule of the contract.

Consume Wallet During Invoicing

If you set this setting to true, consumption of wallet will be applied during invoicing else it will be applied during asset activation.

Create 0 FeeAmount BS

Select this checkbox to control the billing schedule generation for asset line items with 0.00 net price. The default value is True.

  • When you select this checkbox, Billing generates billing schedules with a 0.00 fee amount for both normal billing schedule generation and billing plan.
  • When you clear this checkbox, Billing does not generate billing schedules with a 0.00 fee amount for either normal billing schedule generation or billing plan.

Creation of legacy BS records

This setting determines how Billing creates a legacy billing schedule for a legacy asset line item. The values are:

  • Single Record (Default value): If you select “Single Record” from the picklist values, Billing creates one schedule for the legacy period with the invoiced amount as the fee amount.
  • Import the records: If you select “Import the records” from the picklist values, Billing expects the user to create or upload the legacy billing schedules with their respective amounts.

Conga Billing currently supports only the Single Record value for legacy assets.

Create Single Delta Billing ScheduleSelect this setting to create a single billing schedule when you change the rate of an asset mid-cycle after the billing schedule is invoiced.
Credit Memo Display FieldsComma-separated API names of invoice line item fields that are are displayed on the credit memo page.
Create Redundant Billing SchedulesAmending a product with invoiced billing schedules mid-cycle without changing the amount creates redundant credit and billing schedules that cancel each other out. Select the check box to enable the creation of such redundant Billing Schedules.
Create Activity for Billing Emails

Select this option to create an email activity record for all invoice or credit memo emails sent to the account contacts.

You can see the records under the Activity History related list on the related Invoice/Credit Memo detail page. For details, refer to Credit Memos.

Currency Decimal PlacesEnter the number of decimal places to scale the currency fields.
Custom Billing Plan Item Percent API NameEnter the API name of the field used to calculate the percentage amount of the billing plan items and billing plan template items. To use this functionality for existing billing plans and billing plan templates, refer to Post-Installation Configurations.
Custom Billing Term API Name

Enter the API name of the custom term field to be used by the Billing engine while generating the billing schedules or amounts for the legacy assets. The field must have 10 decimals for the billing engine to generate the correct fee amounts.

If this setting is blank, Billing uses the out-of-the-box Billing Term field value for the computation.

 This setting is not available yet.

Delete Forecast

Select this option to delete the forecast schedules when the actual billing schedules are created.

Do not select this option if you want to retain the forecast billing schedules linked to the proposal document.

Evergreen Refresh Batch Size

Enter the number of evergreen asset line items to process in one batch. The default is 200.  After the evergreen batch job is completed, billing schedules are created for the evergreen assets with the status of pending billing. 

Forecast Generation Batch Size

If you created a custom field in Billing System Properties with the API name "ForecastGenerationBatchSize__c," stop using that custom field. The Forecast Generation Batch Size setting is available as part of the Conga Billing managed package.

Enter the number of items for Conga Billing to process in each batch during forecast generation. As suggested by Salesforce, the maximum batch size is 2000. When the forecasting job is executed using the Apttus_Billing.BillingService.forecastBilling(proposal.Id, false) API in asynchronous mode, the Billing logic generates forecasts in batches with the batch size configured in this custom setting (Forecast Generation Batch Size).

The default value (when the user didn't enter a value) of the batch size is zero, implying that the forecast runs in synchronous mode.

Generate Credit Memo Documents

Select this option to generate a Credit Memo in the required format (DOC, DOCX, RTF, or PDF) as part of the invoice run.

Use the Invoice Output Format field in the billing preference to set the format.

Credit Memo
Generate Invoice Documents

Select this option to generate an invoice document in the required format (DOC, DOCX, RTF, or PDF) during the invoice generation batch job.

Use the Invoice Output Format field in the billing preference to set the format.

Invoice Email Delivery
Hide Bill Plan Template on Bill PlanEnable this flag to hide the Create New Template link from the billing plan.
Invoice Email Delivery PeriodThis period accounts for invoices generated within the specified number of days from the day of the invoice run. For example, if the Invoice Email Delivery period is set to 5, invoices generated (with "approved" status and "pending" delivery status) within the five days since the invoice run qualifies for email delivery.
Invoice Generation Batch Size

Enter the number of billing schedules to process in one batch. The billing schedules can belong to different accounts. The invoice run batch job creates invoices and credit memos by selecting billing schedules with a "pending billing" status and a Ready for Invoice Date value less than or equal to the Process Through Date value

Enter a value less than or equal to 999. 

Invoice Runs
Invoice Lines Threshold For Summary

Define a threshold so that the invoice line summary generates only when the total contracted invoice lines are equal to or greater than the threshold value.
The threshold value must be an integer without zero decimals.

Invoice Summary Criterion

Enter the criterion to summarize your invoice lines. Following are the invoice summary criteria supplied as a part of the managed package: 

  • Start Date
  • Price Type
  • Charge Type
  • Ship To 
  • Location

For any custom values, you must copy its Field Name (API name) without the Apttus_Billing namespace and paste it into the Invoice Summary Criterion global picklist value.

No Proration on Renewal

When performing asset-based operations, select this option to consider the asset renewal start date for aligning the billing schedules instead of the original start date set in the quote or proposal.

You can use Ignore Renewal Proration Setting at the billing preference to control the global No Proration on Renewal custom setting's effect on associated asset line items.

  • If you select the Ignore Renewal Proration Setting checkbox, Conga Billing does not apply the effect of No Proration on Renewal to that asset line item during the successive Asset-Based Ordering (ABO) operations. Billing considers No Proration on Renewal to be False for that asset line item. 
  • If you do not select the Ignore Renewal Proration Setting checkbox, Billing applies the effect of No Proration on Renewal (only if this custom setting is enabled at Billing System Properties) to the asset line item during the successive ABO operations.

Same Day Cancellation

Select this option if you want the asset cancellation applicable on the same day. For example, If you enter a 5/11/2016 termination date when terminating an asset, selecting Same Day Cancellation makes the cancellation effective from 5/11/2016. Otherwise, the cancellation goes into effect a day later, on 5/12/2016.

The same Day Cancellation is applied by default. Clear the checkbox to apply cancellations after a day.

This setting is deprecated. Conga Billing uses Same Day Cancellation from CPQ Config System Properties.

Simple Discount BS Generation

This setting is used to determine which period and amount to use when generating new billing schedules for a simple discount (net price is positive and delta price is negative). Billing schedules can be generated for:

  • Generate for Asset
  • Generate for Current Contract

This setting is deprecated. Use CPQ's Apply Adj to Current Contract Term installed product setting instead. Refer to Calculating Billing Amount based on the Contract Term and the Single Transaction Adjustment Flag and Renewing Assets Using Current Contract Value for more details.

Tax LevelEnter the object name you will apply taxes to by default. You can mention either the Account or Product object for the default tax applicability.
Usage Input Processing Order

Select the order in which the batch job should process usage inputs. Valid values are:

Id: The batch job processes usage inputs by the Input ID. The batch job processes the usage inputs with a lower number first, followed by usage inputs with higher numbers in an ascending manner. For example, the usage input with an input ID of IN-00001145 is processed first, followed by the usage input with an input ID of IN-00001146.

  • SystemModstamp: The batch job processes usage inputs by the system modification stamp, that is, the date or time in which a usage input is created or modified. The batch job processes the usage inputs with an early modification timestamp, followed by usage inputs with late modification timestamps in an ascending manner. For example, a usage input with a modification timestamp of 2021-07-28T17:58:09 is processed before a usage input with a modification timestamp of 2021-07-28T17:58:35.

The default value for this field is SystemModstamp.

Usage Minimum Field API NameEnter the API name of the custom field used to capture the usage minimum fee.

Update Order ID

Select this flag to update the order id on Billing Schedules when the order line status exists and the billing on the asset hasn't been impacted.
Usage Rating Batch SizeEnter the numeric value to specify the number of usage inputs to process per batch when rating the usage. The default value is 200.Usage Rating
Usage Rating Price Field OverrideEnter the API name of the price field based on which you want to rate the usage.
Validate Usage Reversal Enable this setting to ensure that the rated amount for the negative usage quantity is less than the usage-consumed quantity.
Wallet's Balance Based On Its InvoicingEnable this setting to update the “Total Balance” and “Available Balance” on a wallet asset line item (WALI) only when the WALI’s billing schedules are “Invoiced” using Conga Invoice Run.
If this setting is False, the “Available Balance” will be computed as-is (based on the ALI’s Net Price during New Sale/Delta Price due to ABO.)

Wallet FlowName of the wallet manager flow.