You need to create a payment email template and apply it to the account or account location.

Creating a Payment Email Template

  1. Go to Setup and type email in the quick find boxAlternately, open Email Templates under Communication Templates. 
  2. Select Apttus Payment Email Templates as the Folder. Click New Template.
  3. Click New Template and select a template type from the list of options.
    1. Select Text to use merge fields to personalize your email content.
    2. Select HTML to use Salesforce's pre-defined Email layout options to create your own HTML template.
    3. Select Custom to create your own HTML layout from scratch.
    4. Select VisualForce to use Visualforce for creating email templates.Developers and administrators can use this option to perform advance operations on data that'll be sent to recipients.

  4. Enter the template information such as FolderTemplate Name, Email Layout and Description.

    You must select Available For Use option to make the template visible and available for selection.

  5. Using the Merge Field Options, you can add dynamic fields to your email body. 
    Paste this value in the Email body to display it in the email. 

  6. Click Save.

The templates you create will be added to the Apttus Payment Email Templates folder. You can add multiple templates for Payments and specify one for applicability at the account level or specify it when you apply the payment.