You can see the Credit Memos generated for Account under the Credit Memo related list on the Accounts page.

Let us understand what each of the fields on Credit Memo mean,

Field NameDescription
Bill ToThe account to which this Credit Memo is issued.
Credit AmountThe total amount to set off against a balance from invoice or other transactions.
Credit Memo DateThe Credit Memo creation date.
Applied AmountThe amount reconciled against an invoice or other transactions. If the Credit Amount is $100 and you paid off $30, the Applied Amount will be $30.
StatusApproval status of the Credit Memo whether Draft, Cancelled or Approved.
Payment StatusPayment Status of the Credit Memo whether Uncredited, Credited or Partially Credited.
Reason CodeThe reason for generating this Credit Memo. It could be any one from the following- Write off from Invoice, Refund, Billing Error or Goodwill Service Credit.
Delivery StatusStatus to track the Credit Memo Delivery; Pending or Delivered.
DescriptionDescription or notes on why Credit Memo is created.
InvoiceThe Invoice ID to which this Credit Memo corresponds to.
LocationThe Account Location which this Credit Memo corresponds to.
Invoice Run Result IdThis Id is automatically populated if Credit Memo is generated as part of the Invoice Run.
Total Tax AmountThe Tax amount if any.
Total Credit AmountThe Total Credit Amount which is an aggregation of Credit Line Item Amount.

You can perform following actions on a Credit Memo:

  • Approve, Cancel and Delete - Initially Credit Memo is in the Draft stage. From the Draft stage, a Credit Memo can be Approved or Cancelled. You can delete only a cancelled Credit Memo. On selecting Auto Approve Credit Memos on the Invoice Run, resulting Credit Memos will be in the Approved stage.

    You can cancel Approved, Unpaid Credit Memos in case of any ambiguities or disagreements on the Credit Amount. However, Credit Memos that result from a set of superseded Billing Schedules cannot be Cancelled.

  • Regenerate Attachment - For regenerating a Credit Memo document, use Regenerate Attachment action.
  • Send Email - To email a Credit Memo manually, click Send Email. For details, refer the section Send Credit Memo Email.

You can also check the Activity History related list on this page to track the email activities for this Credit Memo. Check out Billing System Properties to turn off the activity tracking.