In order to provide the flexibility to apply different Billing Rule and Billing Frequency to diverse products, these configurations are done at the PLI level of a product. You can,
Define Taxes & Billing
Set Auto Renewal
To define Taxes, Billing Rule, and Billing Frequency
Select a Product. Go to Product Console and Edit Price List Item.
Navigate to Tax and Billing tab.
You can configure the following fields:
Select this check box if the order is a taxable product or service.
Tax Inclusive?
Select the check box if the price of the product is inclusive of taxes.
Tax Code
Lookup to select the relevant tax code.
Billing Rule
Select one of the following options:
Bill in Advance - Enables you to invoice the receivables at the beginning of the schedule.
Bill in Arrears - Enables you to invoice the receivables at the end of the schedule.
Bill on Ready for Billing Date - Enables you to bill your customer with a consolidated invoice, on a day of their choice.
Billing Frequency
Select one of the following options:
Monthly - To generate a bill once every month
Quarterly - To generate a bill once every three months
Half-yearly - To generate a bill once in the middle of a calendar or financial year.
Yearly - To generate a bill once every year
Single Period - To generate a single bill for the entire amount even if the product Price Type is Recurring. Please note that Single Period Frequency cannot be used for a product if its Auto Renewal Type is set to Evergreen.
Usage - To generate a bill based on usage or consumption
For products to be billed as one-time, please select the frequency as One Time.
For products with recurring billing subscriptions, you can select frequencies such as monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and yearly.