For Asset-based transactions, you can create a new billing plan and associate it with your new quote/Proposal. If you do not create a new billing plan, billing schedules are auto-adjusted based on the existing billing plans.  

If you create a new billing plan to generate billing schedules for asset-based operations after the initial billing schedules were invoiced, the new billing schedules for the remaining term are created based on the new billing plan.

After changing a quote, you need to manually reattach the billing plan to the proposal line item.

You can not add two billing plans to a single asset line item. You have to delete the already associated billing plan and then add a new one. If you directly add a new billing plan then it will replace the existing associated billing plan for that asset line item.

Scenario: Reducing the Term of the Asset

If you reduce the term of the asset and do not create a new billing plan, negative billing schedules that are auto-adjusted based on the existing billing plan are created. 

Scenario: Increasing the Term of the Asset

If you increase the term of the asset and do not create a new billing plan, the newly created billing schedules are auto-adjusted based on the existing billing plan. Conga recommends using a new Billing Plan for each asset-based transaction.

Use Case: Creating New Billing Plan for an Asset Based Transaction

Description: This use case describes how you can create and associate a new billing plan to your Quote/Proposal when you perform an asset-based transaction.

Suppose you are a billing administrator of a company selling software services and you need to change the start date of your customer's subscription service. After changing the start date you want to bill the customer in 2 installments. The customer was initially billed in 3 installments and the billing plan was configured as follows:

Billing Plan Name
Plan Type
Billing Method
Number of Installments
Billing Plan BP1Full TermAmount3

Pre-requisite: Make sure the quote is associated with an appropriate billing plan and the asset is activated. 

Before modification the asset line item is as follows:

Start Date
End Date
Net Price
Asset TCV

Before termination, you see the following billing schedules:

Billing Schedule
Period Start Date
Period End Date
Ready for Invoice Date
Fee Amount
BS21/1/201831/12/201810/6/2018$375,000Pending Billing
BS31/1/201831/12/201822/3/2018$375,000Pending Billing

Modify the asset as follows:

  1. Create a new quote for the same account.
  2. Click Config Products.
  3. On the installed products page, select the asset Item and click Change
  4. Enter start date as 15/3/2018.
  5. Finalize the Quote.

    After Modification, the asset line item is as follows:

    Start Date
    End Date
    Net Price
    Asset TCV
  6. On the quote page, click New Billing Plan. 
  7. Select the line item.
  8. Define the new Billing Plan as follows:

    Plan Type
    Billing Method
    Number of Installments
    Full TermAmount2
  9. Define the Invoice Date and Amount as follows:

    Billing Plan Item NameInvoice DatePayment TermAmountPercent
    Installment 115/6/2018Net 30$500,00068.96
    Installment 210/9/2018Net 30$225,00031.03
  10. Click Save.
  11. Activate the order.


New billing schedules are created as under:

Billing Schedule
Period Start Date
Period End Date
Ready for Invoice Date
Fee Amount
BS41/1/201815/3/201815/1/2018$500,000Pending Billing
BS51/1/201815/3/201810/6/2018$225,000Pending Billing