When a Sales Representative decreases the quantity of an asset:

  • If the billing schedule is "Pending Billing", Billing supersedes the old billing schedule and creates a new billing schedule for the remaining quantity.
  • If the billing schedule is "Invoiced", Billing creates a negative billing schedule to refund the amount and creates a new billing schedule for the remaining quantity.

For more information on asset quantity decrement, see Managing Asset Quantity Downgrade.

Use Case 1: Changing Billing Schedules in "Pending Billing" Status for a Decremented Asset

This use case describes how Billing supersedes the old billing schedule and creates a new billing schedule with the decremented quantity. Before the sales representative changes the asset quality, the billing schedule details are as follows:


Period Start Date

Period End Date



Fee Amount


Is Superseded

Ready for Invoice Date

BS11/1/202212/31/20224Pending BillingUSD 400.00Contracted

After the Sales representative decreases the quantity from 4 to 3, the Cart page has the following details:

  • Quantity = Negative quantity provided by you on the Change Quantity page
  • Line Status = Decremented and Merged
  • Net Price = Amount for the quantity decremented

On order activation, the decrement quantity updates into the existing asset. The asset line item has the following details:

  • Asset Status = Activated
  • Net Price = Amount for the remaining quantity after decrement
  • Quantity = Remaining quantity after decrement
  • Asset TCV = Reflects the right value

Billing Schedules are created as follows:


Period Start Date

Period End Date



Fee Amount


Is Superseded

Ready for Invoice Date

BS11/1/202212/31/20224SupersededUSD 400.00ContractedYes1/1/2023
BS21/1/202212/31/20223Pending BillingUSD 300.00Contracted

Use Case 2: Changing Billing Schedules in "Invoiced" Status for a Decremented Asset

This use case describes how Billing creates a negative billing schedule to refund the amount for the decremented quantity. Before the sales representative changes the asset quality, the billing schedule details are as follows:


Period Start Date

Period End Date



Fee Amount


Is Superseded

BS11/1/202212/31/20224InvoicedUSD 400.00Contracted

After the Sales representative decreases the quantity from 4 to 3, the Cart page has the following details:

  • Quantity = Negative quantity provided by you on the Change Quantity page
  • Line Status = Decremented and Merged
  • Net Price = Amount for the quantity decremented

On order activation, the decrement quantity updates into the existing asset. The asset line item has the following details:

  • Asset Status = Activated
  • Net Price = Amount for the remaining quantity after decrement
  • Quantity = Remaining quantity after decrement
  • Asset TCV = Reflects the right value

Billing Schedules are created as follows:


Period Start Date

Period End Date



Fee Amount


Is Superseded

BS11/1/202212/31/20224InvoicedUSD 400.00ContractedYes
BS21/1/202212/31/20223Pending Billing

USD –100.00
