After you finalize a proposal and accept a customer’s order, you can activate purchased orders as the customer’s assets. Every time you create an asset based order, you must already have assets installed on the account. You must create a new quote to cancel or amend each Asset Based Order.

You can begin creating an Asset Based Order by creating a quote on the account that contains the installed products or assets. After you create the quote, go to product cart, click Installed Products, and select one of the following actions:

  • Renew
  • Terminate
  • Swap
  • Change

Each action results in a change in the existing Billing Schedule, Invoice Status, and the Bill Cycle Start and End Date for that asset line item or Installed Product.

Let’s first understand the impact of each asset action on the status of the Invoice. The following table lists the Invoice Status resulting from asset actions on different states of the Billing Schedule.

Original Billing Schedule Status

Asset Action

New Billing Schedule Status

Invoice Status

Invoiced and Not Approved



Draft Obsolete or

Pending Billing – if the End Period Date is before the effective date of cancellation or amendment.

 Invoiced and Approved



Invoiced Cancelled

Pending InvoicedSwapPending BillingDraft

Renewal of an asset will impact the Billing Schedules because the asset Start Date and End Date will change. On renewal, the Asset Status will change to Renewed on the Asset Line Item. New Billing Schedules will be created based on the New Start Date and End Date.

When you change an asset, you can update values for fields such as the Net Price and Selling Term. Conga Billing, by default assigns the Start Date of the Asset Line Item to the effective date of the change.

Every changed or amended order has a new set of Billing Schedules that Conga Billing creates automatically and these new schedules depend on the Start and End dates that you define for the changed asset line item. When you change an asset, it is critical to align the Bill Cycle Start Date with the Billing Preference of the asset line item. The following table lists the Bill Cycle Start options and the value you must enter.

Bill Cycle Start Option


Billing Day of Month

Enter the Billing Day of Month defined in the Billing Preference for this asset line item.

Account Billing Day of Month

Enter the Account Billing Day of Month specified on the Bill To Account of the Asset Line Item.

Period Start Date

Enter the start date you defined for the original asset line item.

Ready for Invoice Date

Enter the Ready for Invoice Date that you defined for the new asset line item.

Order Date

Enter the Order Date on the new Order.

Let us now understand the impact of each asset action on Billing Schedules and how you can manage this change.