Conga Contracts for Salesforce now allows users to change a document name during the Send for Negotiation process without creating multiple copies of the same document. Previously during this process, if a user downloaded a document and changed the name (for example, changing the name from LegalDocument to LegalDocument_Comments), multiple copies of the document were created. With this new functionality, a unique ID in the company's metadata allows a user to change the document name, and the same copy of the document is used throughout the negotiation process.

To enable Document Name Change functionality, take the following steps:

  1. From the Salesforce App Launcher, go to Conga Contracts.
  2. Click on Conga CLM Setup.
  3. Under Document Renaming, click the toggle to Enable. This setting is on Disabled by default.

Once enabled, a unique ID is added to the metadata of the document that the system uses to identify the document which allows users to change the name without creating another version of the document.


Email spam filters can strip out the metadata within your document.