
  • To use the Office 365 integration, users must be set up with an account under the SharePoint site that is configured in the CLM Setup page.
  • Before starting a Review Cycle, a Composer generated .docx document must be attached to the agreement record. This can be a Composer generated document using either datatagenable=1 (bookends) or datatagenable=2 (content controls). The URL can use both datatagenable=1 (bookends) or datatagenable=2 (content controls).

To Start a Review Cycle

  1. Navigate to your agreement object. For example, Contract Agreement.
  2. From the left menu dropdown arrow, click on the button you created. For example, Document Collaborators (Delegate)
  3. Click New Review Cycle
  4. Click on the document name 

  5. In the Send Document for Review popup, Upload or Browse files and click Next
  6. In the Add Collaborators section, enter the names of one or more users to be approvers
  7. Click Send

  • When an active Office 365 review cycle is in progress, the document is locked in View Redlines and the Open in Word button is disabled until the review cycle has ended.
  • File names cannot begin or end with a space, end with a period, or include any of the following characters: / \ < > : * " ? |

Next, you can end or cancel your review cycle.