Access Contract Apps from the app launcher on the UI and go to the Incoming Requests tab. On this tab, you can view all the incoming requests whose status and status category is Request. This tab is available only to the administrator or users with permission to approve the requests.

There are various functionalities available for you to manage the incoming requests.

Search Incoming Requests

You can search contract requests on the contract request list page using the basic search or advanced search.

To search incoming requests

  1. On the incoming requests list page, enter a search term in the search bar and press Enter.
  2. Click the Advanced Search icon () to apply filters to your search results and display the Advanced Search window..
  3. Click Add Criteria.
  4. Select a field to be used in the filter criteria.
  5. Select an operator from the drop-down. The operator defines the relationship between the field and the value. The list of available operators varies depending on the data type of the chosen field.
  6. Enter the value of the field. The type of value field depends on the field selected.
  7. To add another filter, click Add Criteria and repeat steps 4, 5, and 6.

Click the delete icon () next to the search query to remove the search criteria.

Click Remove All to remove multiple search criteria.

  1. Click Apply. CLM returns the accounts that match the criteria.

View Setting

View Setting allows you to control which columns are displayed in the grid and rearrange the column order.

To add or remove columns from the grid

  1. Click the View Setting icon (). The View Settings window appears.
  2. To add a column to the grid, highlight it in the left section and click the plus-sign () icon.
  3. To remove a column from the grid, highlight it in the right section and click the minus-sign () icon. You can use the search box available above the section to search for a specific field.
  4. To add or remove more than one column, press Ctrl-Click or Shift-Click to highlight the columns, then click the left and right arrows.
  5. To add or remove all columns, click Insert All or Remove All.
    At least one column must be displayed in the grid.
  6. Click Apply to close the dialog and apply view settings to the grid.

To rearrange columns in the grid

  1. Click the View Setting icon () to open the View Settings dialog.
  2. In the right section, click and drag a column name to move it before or after another column in the list. 
  3. To move a column up or down one place in the order, hover your cursor over the column name and click the up or down arrow.
  4. To change the position of more than one column, use Shift-Click to highlight the columns and click the up or down arrow to the right of the section to move the selected columns.
  5. Click Apply to close the dialog and apply view settings to the grid.

Sorting Incoming Requests

You can sort the incoming requests by clicking the column names. The incoming requests are sorted by the last modified date in descending order. When you click the column name, the sorting switches between ascending and descending order. You can adjust the column width by dragging the columns. Hover near the column boundaries till the two-way arrow appears. Click when the arrow appears and drag left or right to adjust the column width.

Actions available on this page

Click the contract name or Id link to open the Contract Details page.

Results per page

At the bottom of the page, you can view the total count of contract requests available. You can control the number of contract requests to be displayed on each page. By default, you can view 10 records on each page.

By default, you can view 10, 20, 30, 50, and 100 contract requests per page using the Rows per page drop-down list. This feature works in association with the search and filter functions to display search records per page. You can use the Next (>) and Previous (<) buttons to move to the next or the previous pages. You can also jump to a certain page using the page search component.