The following section describes an example process for an Agreement record-creation Wizard. This Wizard will the step the user through the process of creating an Agreement record with a Sales Contract record type. This example demonstrates the use of Wizard Step rules and Step Input rules to Determine Focus Object and Determine Record Type for the record, in addition to showing how to conditionally Hide, Disable and Set input controls based on values entered by the user. Understanding these processes will improve your ability to create your own unique Wizard designs. 

Note: The example provided here does assumes the some steps and inputs have already been created and are part of the Wizard Component Library. Similarly, all details of the example Wizard design are not included–only specific portions of the design process are called out to demonstrate how features function within the Wizard.

The objective of the Wizard design used as an example on this page is to easily aid users in performing a variety of basic business functions, one of which happens to be creating an Agreement of record type Sales Contract. Additional logic could be built into both the Steps and Inputs to create other outcomes, including posting information to a URL or creating different types of records. Here is an example of the completed Wizard Design (hint: click the image to enlarge the view):