You can link one contract to another by creating custom relationships between contracts. You can create Amendment For, Amended By, Renewal For, and Renewed By relationships between contracts.

When you amend or renew a contract using Contract Actions, the original and the new contract are linked automatically and you cannot delete such relationship.

You can use the Parent Contract field on the Contract Detail page to create a parent-child relationship between two contracts. You can see IsParentOf and IsChildOf relationships in parent and child contracts respectively.

To create a custom contract relationship

  1. Open the Contract Detail page for a contract.
  2. In the LINKS panel, click Relationships.
  3. Click the Link Contract button.
    The Link Contract popup is displayed.
  4. Select a Relationship Type.
  5. Search for a contract using the contract name in the Contract Name field. A message showing the relationship that will be established between the two contracts is displayed.
  6. Click Link.

The Relationships table showing all the contracts related to the current contract is displayed.

RelationshipRelation between the contract in this row and the current contract
Contract NumberContract number contract related to the current contract
Contract NameName of the contract related to the current contract
StatusStatus of the contract related to the current contract
ActionsAction to delete the relationship. This action is available only for the contracts linked using contract actions i.e. Amend and Renew.

To delete a custom contract relationship

You can delete contract relationship formed due automatic linking of contracts using Amend and Renew contract actions.

  1. Open the Contract Detail page for a contract.
  2. In the LINKS panel, click Relationships.
  3. Click the Delete icon () for a relationship to delete the relationship.
  4. In the Delete Record popup, click Delete.
    The custom contract relationship is removed between the contracts.

To create a parent-child contract relationship

  1. Open the Contract Detail page for a contract.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. In the Parent Contract field, add the name of a child contract.
  4. Click Save.
  5. In the LINKS panel, click Relationships.
    You can see the IsParentOf relationship is added. Similarly, you can see the IsChildOf relationship is added in the child contract.