Conga CLM objects contain fields that are maintained in the corresponding tables for the objects.


Check organization-wide defaults set for the objects. This table is for guidance only.

ObjectPurpose of the Object
Account HierarchyThis defines a single instance of an account hierarchy relationship. It contains the leaf ID, the parent ID, the root ID, and the level.
Agreement Action ConditionRepresents conditions to enable agreement actions
Agreement ExplorerA reusable, unique combination of Field Sets and Filter Sets.
Agreement HierarchyThis defines a single instance of an agreement hierarchy relationship. It contains the leaf ID, the parent ID, the root ID, and the level.
Agreement Line ItemRepresents a product or service line item associated with an agreement
Agreement LockRepresents a lock on the agreement
Agreement ClauseRepresents a clause associated with an agreement
Agreement Document

Links to agreement documents that are not stored in Conga CLM 

Agreement ProtectionSpecifies protection settings for agreements generated by the Contract Wizard and maintained by the Contract Author
Agreement Rule ConditionSpecifies a condition used to evaluate an agreement rule
Agreement RuleSpecifies a rule used to evaluate various agreement actions such as submit request
Agreement Term ExceptionTerm Exceptions associated with a given Agreement
AdminStore admin preferences and metadata
AgreementRepresents an agreement in the system
Related AgreementTo identify the different types of relationships between agreements
TemplateContract language templates available in the system. These templates specify guidance, language, local setitngs, and include Word attachment templates representing the bulk of actual contracts that can be used when creating a first draft . Templates can include standard and non-standard language.
Async Merge CallHolds asynchronous merge calls
Content EventHolds content events for subscribers to handle
Cycle Time Field DataHolds the data captured on fields for cycle time reporting
Cycle Time FieldHolds the fields monitored for cycle time data capture
Cycle Time Group DataHolds the data captured on groups for cycle time reporting
Cycle Time GroupHolds the groups monitored for cycle time data capture
Doc Assembly ComponentRepresents a single component in a document assembly rule
Doc Assembly RulesetRepresents a rule set that contains a list of rules to determine the sections to include in a dynamic template.
Doc Assembly RuleRepresents a single rule in a document assembly ruleset
Document Agreement ClauseAgreement clauses in an agreement document
Document Version DetailHolds the version details of a document
Document VersionRepresents a document version
Agreement Document Output FormatHolds default output format preferences by user profile and agreement type for use in the agreement document generation process.
Formula Field (Comply)Represents a formula field used in agreement rules
Merge Event DetailHolds document merge event details
Merge EventHolds document merge events for subscribers to handle
Query Template FilterFilter expression used in a query
Query Template QualifierFilter used to select a query template
Query TemplateQuery Template for bulding soql queries and filters
Retention PolicyHolds object retention policies
Search Filter (Comply)Represents a search filter
Template Clause Reference VersionHolds Template Clause References for this version
Template Clause ReferenceRepresents a clause reference in a template or a library
Template Datasource FilterRepresents a datasource filter associated with a template
Template Dynamic Section VersionHolds the template dynamic section details for a given template version
Template Dynamic SectionRepresents a dynamic section in a template
Template VersionHolds various versions of this template and is a Master-detail to Template
Temp Object (Comply)A container for temporary objects and attachments
Term ExceptionTerm Exceptions master table
WizardA runtime instance of the wizard design
Wizard DesignHolds all the wizard design records
Wizard Input ControlThe individual question, instruction statements and associated field attributes
Wizard Input Control Runtime(Deprecated)Input Control instance within a runtime wizard
Wizard Input Control (Deprecated)The individual question, instruction statements and associated field attributes
Wizard Input Group (Deprecated)Groups input controls within a step
Wizard RuleIndividual rules which are applied within a ruleset.
Wizard RulesetA collection of rules that are applied to input control and steps. The system determines a ruleset at the level of input control expression formula, determine focus objects, record type and step navigation rules.
Wizard Ruleset Runtime (Deprecated)A runtime instance of the ruleset provided by the wizard design
Wizard Ruleset (Deprecated)A collection of rules that are applied to input control and steps. The system determines a ruleset at the level of input control expression formula, determine focus objects, record type and step navigation rules.
Wizard Rule (Deprecated)Individual rules which are applied within a ruleset.
Wizard Runtime InputInput Control instance within a runtime wizard
Wizard Runtime (Deprecated)A runtime instance of the wizard design
Wizard StepThe step that is designed and used in Wizard designs.
Wizard Step Runtime (Deprecated)A runtime instance of a wizard step design.
Wizard Step (Deprecated)The step that is designed and used in Wizard designs.
Wizard Design (Deprecated)Main Wizard Object, each record represents a Wizard design