Field LabelDescriptionData TypeRequiredDefault ValueReserved
Agreement NameUnique identifier for the agreement record. This name appears in page layouts, related lists, lookup dialogs, search results, and key lists on tab home pages. By default, this field is added to the custom object page layout as a required field.Text(80)Yes
Created ByUser who created the recordLookup(user)Yes – System assigned
Last Modified ByUser who most recently changed the recordLookup(user)Yes – System assigned
OwnerAssigned owner of the agreement recordLookup(user)Yes – System assigned, changeable by userLogin UserYes
Record TypeThe agreement type for this recordRecord TypeYesAgreement Type from the selection screenYes
AccountThe link to the account record to identify the external party to this agreement.Lookup(account)Yes
Google Drive EnabledUsers can select this check box to enable Google Drive for an agreement.

Activated ByAuto-populated with the user who activates the agreement in the system. Read-onlyLookup(user)

Activated DateAuto-populated with the date on which the agreement was activated in the system. Read-only.Date

Agreement CategoryCategorize agreement types. This can be agreement type-specific (add appropriate values for each agreement type) and can also be used for template filtering.)Picklist

Agreement End DateThe end date for this agreement. A required field on activation 

for non-perpetual agreements.

12 months from billing activationYes
Agreement NumberThe system-assigned unique agreement number. Identifies the agreement number, including the version number.  Use this field to display on screens, reports, dashboards, search filters and columns, etc.Auto-numberYes 
Yes. Not changeable by user.
Agreement Start DateThe effective date of the agreement. A required field on activation.Dateyes
Amendment Effective DateThe date from which the amendment is effective. If set during agreement creation, this field is auto-populated in the amended agreement.Date

Auto RenewIndicates whether the agreement will auto-renewCheck box

Auto Renewal TermsSpecifies any terms associated with auto-renewalLong text area (32000)

Business HoursCorporate business hours associated with the agreement; used for cycle time reporting.Lookup(business hours)

Company Signed ByLink to contact record to identify internal signatoryLookup(contact)Yes 

Company Signed DateDate when internal signatory signedDateYes

Company Signed TitleTitle of person signing on behalf of CompanyText(80)

Contract Duration (Days)The duration from Start Date to End Date in days. Shown when the agreement is 'In Effect'.Formula(number)yes

Contracted DaysDays from Contract Start Date to Current Date if the contract is In Effect and Start Date is set.Formula(number)yes

DescriptionDetailed description of this agreementLong Text Area(32000)yes

Executed Copy Mailed Out DateDate the final, executed copy was mailed out to the external partyDate

Executed DateThis is a date field that is auto-populated when a document is eSigned (Adobe Sign or DocuSign) by all the recipients. A user can manually enter the date when the document has wet signatures and when the signed document is uploaded manually.Date

Initiation TypeTo indicate whether this record is being filed as an executed agreement or is being negotiated in the systemPicklist(Negotiate Contract, Store Executed Contract)Yes
Yes. Not changeable by user.
Internal Renewal Notification DaysNotification period prior to Renewal Notice Date when notification is sent out internally that renewal is approaching. Email alert needs to be setup, if needed.Numberyes

Internal Renewal Start DateAuto populated with Date by which internal notice of internal renewal is approaching. Issue Renewal Notice Date less internal renewal notification days.DateYes – System assigned, changeable by user

Non Standard Legal Language?To indicate whether this agreement contains non-standard languageCheckbox

Other Party Returned DateThe date on which other party returned signed agreementDate

Other Party Sent DateAuto populated with the Date on which agreement was first sent to other party for review/signaturesDate

Other Party Signed ByLink to contact record to identify external signatoryLookup(contact)

Other Party Signed By (Unlisted)External Signatory identifier (when signatory is not maintained as contact (record) in the system).Text area

Other Party Signed DateDate when external signatory signedDate

Other Party Signed TitleTitle of person signing on bahalf of Other PartyText

Outstanding DaysShows the number of days between date agreement was today, if not returned as yet. Else number of days between returned and sent.Formula(number)

Owner Expiration NoticeTo indicate the number of days prior to expiration date that a notification needs to be sent to the ownerPicklist(60-45-15-1)
90 Days
Parent AgreementReference to parent agreement if current agreement was created as child or assigned manually.Lookup(Agreement) 

PerpetualIdentifies whether the agreement has a specified end date or if it is open endedCheckbox

Primary ContactPrimary external contact for the agreement.Lookup(Contact)

Related OpportunityIdentifies the opportunity related to the agreementLookup (opportunity)

Remaining Contracted DaysIf the agreement is In Effect, this value is calculated as Contract Duration Days less Contracted Days.Formula(number)

Renewal ConsentIndicates whether consent is required to extend / renew this agreementCheckbox

Renewal Notice DateIssue Renewal Notice Date = End Date - Renewal Notice DaysFormula(Date)

Renewal Notice DaysThe number of days before end date when renewal notice is dueNumber

Renewal Term (Months)The number of months to extend the agreementNumber

Renewal TermsSpecifies any terms for renewalText Area

Request DateThe date the agreement was requestedDate

RequestorAgreement Requestor (user).Lookup(user)

Risk RatingThis field allows users to track agreement risk ratingNumber(5, 2)

SourceSource of this contract – internal paper or third party contractPicklist

Yes. Not changeable by user.
Special TermsIdentifies any special terms related to contractText area


The substage of an agreement – the status underneath a given status category.  These are generally modifiable by the customer except for the following values which are Conga CLM reserved to manage agreement life cycles: Request, Submitted Request, Cancelled Request, In Amendment, Being Amended, Superseded, Activated, Expired, Internal Signatures, Author Contract, Expired, Terminated,  Ready for Signatures, Fully Signed, Signature Declined


Status Category

The higher-level state of the agreement – In Authoring, In Effect, Expired, etc.  These are Conga CLM reserved values

Picklist (Request , In Authoring,  In Signatures,  In Filing, In Effect, Expired, Terminated, Amended, Cancelled)Yes – System Assigned
Yes. Not changeable by user.
Submit Request Mode

SubtypeThe subtype of the agreement for a given agreement type. Please specify values based on your agreement typesPicklist (default)

Term (Months)Identifies the term, in months, of an agreement from the agreement start date Number

Termination DateDate contract terminatedDate

Termination Notice DaysNotice period prior to terminationNumber

Termination Notice Issue DateDate termination notice was sent / receivedDate

Total Agreement Value

Total value of agreement

When you create an agreement from the Related tab > Agreements section in the Opportunities tab, the Total Agreement Value field is auto-populated with the Amount field from the opportunities record.

Currency (16, 2)

VersionThe version number of the agreement that is incremented each time an agreement is amendedNumber (3,0)Yes – System Assigned
Version AwareIndicates whether the Agreement record is Version Aware. If checked, versioning is enabled for all documents belonging to the agreement record. This field is checked by default for all new agreements when Document Versioning is enabled (Comply System Properties Enable Version Control and Enable Document Versioning).Checkbox

ActivateLink to activate the agreement; Shown only in desired statuses.Action

AmendLink to amend the agreement; Shown only for active agreements.Action

Cancel Request

ExpireLink to expire the agreement; Shown only for active agreements.Action

GenerateLink to generate agreement document using one of the templates in library. Shown only is appropriate agreement statuses. Attaches generated doc under Notes & Attachment and creates 3 tasks. Write activity history. Changes status from "Request" to "In Signatures/Ready for signatures"Action

Generate Supporting DocumentLink to generate supporting document using one of the templates in library. Shown only is approriate agreement statuses.Action

Insert Offline DocumentLink to add an external/offline document to the agreement record. Shown only is appropriate agreement statuses.Action


RegenerateRegenerate a new agreement doc using one of the templte in the library. The new version will not have redlines (if any) from the earlier versions.Action

RenewStart Renewal of an active agreement.Action

Return To RequestorReturn the agreement to Requestor.Action

Send For eSignatureSend document to external party using EcoSign/Docusign integration. Status changes to "In Signatures/Other party Signatures"Action

Send For ReviewSend agreement for other party review. Status changes to "In Authoring/Other Party Review"Action

Send For SignaturesSend document for Signatures. Status changes to "In Signatures/Other party Signatures"Action

Submit Request
