Obligation management refers to email alerts and reminders that ensure internal and external obligations in connection to your agreements are properly fulfilled.

The Obligation Management stage ensures that deliverables must be met. This includes:

  • Maximize contract value with fulfillment tracking
  • Alerts linked to expirations, renewals, and key events, post-execution workflows
  • Searching and reporting

Organizations typically set up common business rules that allow groups and users to receive email alerts 30, 60 and 90 days before agreements expire. Other rules can be configured based upon your needs. Check with your system administrator for more details. You can also set up tasks and events for specific agreements on a case-by-case basis. An example of another common business rule is a pricing change, where modifications to pricing and financial terms trigger a notification to interested parties.

New Task

The New Task feature is available within an Agreement Record and allows you to create a new task related to a specific agreement. Click New Task to enter key pieces of information that need to be tracked in connection with a date, event or milestone. The key fields are as follows:

  • Assigned to – Allows you to identify the recipient. Use the lookup icon to identify this individual.
  • Subject – A pre-defined list is available through a lookup icon and can be configured for your organization.
  • Status – The status field is a drop-down or picklist and provides visibility into whether the task has not been started, is in progress, has been completed, etc.
  • Comments – Add any comments about the date, event or milestone that requires action.
  • Send Notification Email – The send notification email is critical to ensure timely notification of relevant individuals and make sure the task is properly managed.

Once you have completed the New Task window, click Save to complete the process. Other options include Save & New Task or Save & New Event if you want to create another Task or Event.

New Event

The New Event process is the same as the New Task process except that instead of assigning a task to an individual, the event is logged and managed as an Event on the individual's Conga and regular corporate email calendar. A status category is not included to manage whether the task has been completed or not, since for an event, status is not relevant.