A Wizard Design can be as complex or simple as required, allowing your users to create a basic records or populate second and third-level items conditionally based on input or step rules. 


A Wizard Design is comprised of the following key components:

  • Inputs – Input are the primary wizard component of any wizard. They are the questions and instructions that you provide to the end users of the wizard at runtime. The values received from the end user are stored as Inputs. For example, you might create an input that requires users to select options from a picklist, such as a Business Function or Agreement Start and End dates. Inputs are reusable, so you can use them in as many steps as you want to.
  • Steps – Inputs are placed in Steps in the desired sequence for runtime use. Steps will also contain rules which are used to designate the navigation flow, the object and submission actions, which are determined and executed based on the end user responses at runtime.
  • Step Input Rules – These rules allow you to configure rules and expressions for your Inputs at Wizard runtime. Input rule types can be configured to enable/disable or show/hide Inputs, or to conditionally determine the focus object of the Wizard (e.g., Agreement) or conditionally determine the record type for the focus object's record to be created (e.g., SOW, NDA, MSA, etc.), or to set the value of one input based on the value of other inputs.
  • Wizard Step Rules – These rules control the flow of Wizard steps at runtime. You can create "GoTo" rules for your steps which determine step order in the Wizard based on runtime user responses. The rules you create can be assigned as default for individual steps and can be made conditional based on expressions you create for each rule, using values from Inputs to determine whether or not rules are fired for any given step.

The following sections describe the Wizard design process, from initial settings to input and steps, including guidance on how to create your own Inputs and Steps during design and how to use and maintain the Wizard Component Library. The Agreement object is used as the focus object in most Wizard examples, but the same instructions can be used to create a Wizard based on Account, Opportunity or any custom Salesforce object.