You can schedule a report to run periodically to identify records eligible for purging. The retention date field in the agreement provides the selection criteria. A sample report is provided which can use be used as the basis for creating the report.

The report can be emailed to Record Retention Authorized Users to allow them to selectively purge records.

User Permissions Needed to Build a Report
To create, edit, and delete reportsCreate and Customize Reports


Report Builder

To send purge notification, perform the following:

  1. Create a public folder to hold the purge notification report
  2. Create a new report using the report builder
  3. Edit report properties and save the report
  4. Schedule the report and send notification

Creating a Public Folder

User Permissions Needed
To create, edit, or delete public document folders:“Manage Public Documents”
To create, edit, and delete public email template folders:“Manage Public Templates”
To create, edit, and delete public report folders:“Manage Public Reports”
To create, edit, and delete public dashboard folders:“Manage Dashboards” AND “View All Data”
  1. Go to the Reports tab.
  2. Click New Report Folder.
  3. Enter a Report Folder Label. For example, Record Retention Report.
  4. The Folder Unique Name is entered automatically when you type the folder label. If you have the Customize Application permission, enter a unique name to be used by the API and managed packages.
  5. Choose a Public Folder Access option. Select read/write if you want users to be able to change the folder contents. A read-only folder can be visible to users but they cannot change its contents.
  6. Select an unfiled report, dashboard, or template and click Add to store it in the new folder. Skip this step for document folders.
  7. Choose a folder visibility option.
  8. Choose Public Groups from the Search drop-down list.


    When you share a folder with a group, managers of the group members have no access to the folder unless those managers are also members of the group.

  9. If the Available for Sharing list does not immediately display the desired value, enter search criteria and click Find.
  10. Select the desired value from the Available for Sharing list and click Add to move the value to the Shared To list.
  11. Click Save.
    A folder is created. You can create a new report using Report Builder.

Creating a New Report Using the Report Builder

  1. On the Reports tab, select the report type and click Create.
  2. Enter the Filters and Fields.
  3. Add, reorder, and remove columns, summary fields, formulas, groupings, and blocks to customize and preview your report. Change the report format and display options, or add a chart. The preview shows only a limited number of records. Run the report to see all your results.
    You have created report fields and filters, and previewed your report with some of the data. You can edit report properties.

Editing Report Properties

  1. On the Reports tab, select the report and click Edit.
  2. Click the Report Properties tab.
  3. Edit the report properties and click Save.
    A report is edited and saved. You can also schedule the report.

Scheduling a Report

You must have the Schedule Reports permission to schedule reports.

  1. On the Reports tab, click an existing report name.
  2. From the Run Report drop-down, click Schedule Future Runs. If you’re creating a new report, you are asked to save the report with a name and in a folder before scheduling.
  3. On the Schedule Report page, specify a Running User who has access to the folder where the report is stored.
    If the running user becomes inactive, the report is not run. The system administrator receives an email notification to either activate the user, delete the report schedule, or change the running user to an active one in the scheduled report.
    The access level of the running user determines what other users, including portal users, see when they receive the scheduled report run results. You need the “View All Data” permission to specify a running user other than yourself.
  4. Select an email setting:

    To meSend the report to your email address specified on your user profile.
    To me and/or othersEmail the report to additional users.

    You can send reports only to email addresses included on Salesforce user records. When portal users receive emailed reports, they see the same data as the running user set in the report schedule. If you have the information you’d rather not share, schedule the report to run with a portal user as the running user.


    Portal users receive report and dashboard refresh email notifications when the Allow Reports and Dashboards to Be Sent to Portal Users option is enabled.

  5. Set the frequency, duration, and time for running the report.
    • In the Frequency field, select Daily, Weekly, or Monthly and then refine the frequency criteria.
    • Using the Start and End fields, specify the dates during which you want to schedule the report. To enter the current date, click the link showing the date.
    • Next to Preferred Start Time, click Find available options to choose a start time.
    Your preferred start time might not be available if other users have already selected that time to schedule a report.
  6. Click Save Report Schedule. You can choose the following:

    Save report modifications with this scheduleSave both the report schedule and changes you made to the report.
    Discard report modificationsSave the schedule only. Changes you made to the report are discarded.

    Report recipients can click the report name in emailed reports to log in to Salesforce and view the report directly.

A report is scheduled to run every Friday at midnight, and its results are emailed to a selected group and user.

  1. All users, including portal users, viewing the scheduled report see the report data that Running User’s access level allows.
  2. Report run results are set to be emailed to a public user group called All Internal Users and the admin user.
  3. The report is scheduled to run every Friday.
  4. The report run is scheduled to start on the current date.
  5. The schedule is saved without saving prior changes made to the report.