To provide more flexibility when running Wizards, a Wizard user can access the Preview Sidebar, which tracks the Wizard as steps are completed. The Wizard user can use the Preview Sidebar to navigate to other steps in the Wizard freely. Use the Preview Sidebar to:

  • Preview a future step in the Wizard.
  • Track overall completion progress.
  • Return to a previous step in the Wizard to complete responses or correct a mistake.
  • View a full preview of all completed responses.

Using the Preview Sidebar

  1. Launch a new Wizard from the Wizards tab. The runtime Wizard is displayed with the Preview Sidebar in collapsed view.
  2. Click the sidebar to expand it. You will see one of two possible views:
    • If you are running a linear, step-by-step Wizard with no conditionally-shown steps, you will be able to see and navigate to any step in the Wizard.

    • If the Wizard you are running contains any conditional steps, you will only see the current step and the "Preview" step. The preview sidebar will display additional steps as you complete the current step and conditions are satisfied to include the other steps in the Wizard.

  3. Click any step in the preview sidebar to preview it. Important Note: if you attempt to view a future step but the current step contains any required fields, you cannot preview that step until you have completed the required fields in the current step.
  4. Click Preview at any time to go to the Review screen where you can review all visible steps in the Wizard, including any completed responses. The Preview screen only reflects steps that are present in the sidebar. No conditional steps will be shown unless the conditions that trigger them are satisfied.
  5. Click Back to return to the last step you worked with.