1. Click CreateWorkflow & ApprovalsEmail Alerts.
  2. Click New Email Alert.
  3. Perform the following steps to configure the email alert:
    1. Enter a Description.
    2. Enter a Unique Name.
    3. Select the Object for the email alert.


      This is used when you generate merge field values for email templates with workflow rules and approval processes. Also, you can define the recipients of this email alert using contact and user lookup fields that are relevant to that object.

    4. Choose an email template from the lookup.
    5. If required, select the Protected Component check box to mark the alert as protected if it is part of a Managed - Released package.
    6. From the Recipient Type list, select who all (type of users) should get your email alerts.
    7. From the Available Recipients list, select the recipients who should receive this email alert in the Available Recipients list and click Add to include in the Selected Recipients list.
    8. Enter up to five additional email addresses.
    9. Use the From Email Address field to the email address of the default workflow user.


      Selecting Make this address the default From email address for this object's email alerts overrides the From Email Address for all email alerts associated with that object.

    10. Click Save.