Customer View allows an external view of the generated forms. This is useful if you need to collect more information from a client before sending the forms to DocuSign. To use customer view:

  1. Create a new site.
    1. In setup, Quick Find for “sites” and click the Sites link in the Develop section.
    2. Click New to create a new site. Make a note of the Default Web Address. You need the full address (starting with http://) in a later step.
  2. Add pages to the site.
    1. On the Site Details page, in the Site Visualforce Pages section, click edit.
    2. On the next screen, add enable Visualforce Pages. If you set the CustomerView page as the Active Site Home Page in the previous step, it is already enabled.
    3. Click Save when finished.
  3. Change Profile Settings.
    1. On the Site Details page, click the Public Access Settings button.
    2. Click the Edit button to edit the profile settings. Find (Ctrl-F) for Custom Object Permissions on the page. Check the Read and Edit checkboxes for Merge Histories.
  4. Tell Mix about the site you created.
    1. On the Forms Settings > Settings tab. Edit the Customer View Settings at the bottom. The Domain is Default Web Address from step 1. Enter an Email Subject and Email Message for the email that goes to the client that contains the URL and verification code. Enure the Hide Email Button checkbox is unchecked. Click Save at the top of the page.
    2. To direct a client to the Customer View page, on the forms screen, click the Email button.
    3. Enter their Name, Email address, and a Verify Code in the popup, then click Send. The client receives an email. The subject of the email and the message (“View and complete forms at the follow URL:” in this example) will be the same as you entered in the Customer View Settings in step 4.
    4. When the client clicks the link, they are prompted to enter the verification code you entered in the Email popup. The client can edit the data in the forms with the options to either Download the forms as a PDF or send the forms to DocuSign.