There are other configuration options in Mix, for example, multiple form packets. You can configure multiple form packets.
To configure packets:
Choose your forms by selecting either Form Groups (See Form Groups in the Other Configuration Options section) or individual forms. The forms table has two new filter criteria, Form ID and Form Name. Enter the form ID or form name in the input box and click Filter to search. Clear will clear the search criteria.
When you have selected your forms, click Done next to the Forms heading. All mappable roles for the selected forms display below the list of forms. If there are URL parameters they auto-populate the roles with data and can be populated or modified manually. The forms list can be reordered by drag and drop.
At any point, the users can save the envelope by clicking Save Envelope in the banner. To edit the forms in a packet, click the Edit link next to the Forms heading.
To add an additional packet click the + button in the tab bar.
Choose forms as before and click Done. Roles auto-populate in the first packet, as well as any additional packets based on the parameters defined in the Mix button URL.For more information on Mix button URL parameters, see Other Configuration Options - Forms Generation.To change the default auto-populated role values in additional packets, use -1000 syntax in the button URL. Using -1000 syntax with parameters to define new default roles correlates the roles with each additional packet. For example, -1000 correlates to the second package, -2000 correlates to the third packet, and -3000 correlates with the fourth packet.Example button syntax: /apex/QuikFormsListPage? 1own.Contact=[ContactA] 1acc.Account=[AccountA] 1acc.Account-1000=[AccountB] 1own.Contact-1000=[ContactB] 1own.Contact-2000=[ContactC] 1own.Contact-3000=[ContactD]
To remove a packet, click the X next to the packet tab, the last remaining packet cannot be removed.
When finished creating packets, click Generate Forms to generate all form packets in the envelope. All form packets generate on a single screen and are sent to DocuSign as a single envelope.