Since there are so many User and Custodian Defined Fields (in the ten thousand) it is impractical and impossible to show them all on one screen as we do with the other roles.

So we’ve designed the User and Custodian Defined Fields mapping screen a little differently than the others. The role dropdown option says User Defined Fields, but this option includes both User and Custodian fields.

Inputs in tables

Initially, the mapping table is blank. There are 3 inputs above the table.

  • The Quik Field input is the name of the Quik! field. You can copy/paste from the Preview Forms screen or you can start typing the name of the field and a selection options menu will appear after a minimum of three characters.
  • The SFDC Object menu works just like it does in the table, it controls which SFDC fields are available to select in the SFDC Field dropdown menu (C). The objects available in this list are controlled by the MappableObjects setting on the Settings tab.
  • The SFDC field also works like in the table. Select the SFDC field that corresponds to the Quik field. When it comes time to generate a form or a group of forms the system will look up these field mappings to determine which data to pull from SFDC to populate the corresponding Quik! form fields.

When finished, click Map. This will create a row in the table. The table on this screen works as it does on all the other roles. Each row's inputs are editable should they need to be changed. If the SFDC Object or SFDC Field inputs are set to --Select-- (blank) the row will be removed from the table; it will still be available to be mapped in the future from the inputs above the table. Note: If you want to map a User or Custodian defined field that does not start with User, for example, TDWTH0430.txt1.5.0 vs. User.D124.ConversionType, we recommended that you contact and ask them to update the form to have that specific field assigned a permanent field name.
In your email make sure to include the following:

  • Form ID
  • Full Field Name
  • Custodian Name

If this is not done and you create a mapping to the generic (TDWTH0430.txt1.5.0) field name, your mapping can break in the future as updates are made to the form.