DocuSign: Integrating with Conga Collaborate
Integrate DocuSign into your Conga Collaborate account in order to access a powerful, full-featured e-signature platform. You can capture client signature and initials using standard DocuSign tags. You can also collect other client information within Conga Collaborate by using custom DocuSign tags that you define.
Integration Features
The DocuSign-Conga Collaborate integration gives you:
- Signature block placed at the end of your document automatically
- E-signature variables that allow you to dictate where your client signature and initials will go
- Signed PDF of the document that includes the e-signable Attachments
- Email notifications for when your document is viewed and signed
- Ability to create custom DocuSign tags that allow our clients to enter information into your Conga Collaborate document - Note: Available with DocuSign Pro only
- Send on Behalf - improves record accuracy by automatically setting Conga Collaborate document owners as owners of the corresponding DocuSign envelopes
- Certificate of Completion - attaches extra information about the signer to the signed PDFBefore you Begin
- You need System Administrator permissions. Integrating DocuSign with Conga Collaborate
To enable the integration
- Navigate to the DocuSign integration page within Conga Collaborate.
- Click the Sign in with DocuSign button.
- Log in with your DocuSign credentials.
- Select the DocuSign account you want to connect and click the Connect button.
- The message "You are currently authenticated as" if the connection is successful. The email address displayed is your email address associated with your account.
- You can have multiple DocuSign accounts linked to the same login you entered in step 3. You will need to select which one you want to use in step 4.
- If this is the first time connecting to DocuSign and you receive an error, please contact Conga Support with your Collaborate URL.
Using Conga Collaborate’s DocuSign integration
To enable DocuSign for the document/template
To add signers and designate signer order
- Open the People panel.
- Click Add People.
- Enter recipient information and assign signer order. You can edit signer information after it is added to the document by clicking on the gear icon in the recipients’ contact card.
Signing the document
Once the client reviews and clicks Accept, the signature process moves into DocuSign. The client follows the on-screen directions to complete the signature process. After signature is completed, both the signer and the document owner receive email notifications indicating that the document is signed.
Generating e-signable attachments
Conga Collaborate document attachments can be included in the e-signable DocuSign envelope:
- Open your document and click Attachments at the bottom of the Table of Contents panel.
- Click Add File to upload from your desktop or click Cloud File to download from a configured cloud storage service.
- Choose your attachment and upload it.
- Beside your attachment, check the Include in ESignable PDF checkbox.
- Repeat Steps 2 and 3 with as many files as you’d like to attach to your Conga Collaborate document.