Our proprietary eSignature tool enables you to customize the information you receive from clients when they sign your documents. The eSignature can be set up only by a system administrator after it has been enabled by Conga Collaborate.

To create a custom signature block

  1. Click the User Drop Down Menu (your avatar)
  2. Click Administration
  3. Click Signature Blocks
  4. Click New Signature Block (this takes you to an Add Signature Block page, where you see fields you can add and label; Name your block)
  5. Click Add Field for each field you want in your signature block
  6. Label each field so that the information you’re asking for is clear
  7. Choose the form the entry will take by choosing from the Field Type box to the left: text, email, phone, number, or date
  8. Check out the Preview to make sure you have set up exactly the signature block you wanted. Make any changes in the fields; clear a label field to delete it
  9. When you have it right, click save. You can always go back and edit by clicking Edit from your Signature Blocks page

You can create custom signature blocks to fit any common situation and place them into your documents as necessary.