Conga Collaborate Document Scripting allows you to manipulate the formatting of variable data within a document.

This article is maintained for legacy purposes only. All clients should be utilizing the Modern Variables feature, which provides a modern, point-and-click interface for formatting variables. If this feature is not enabled in your account, please contact Conga Global Support.

Conga Collaborate document scripting method statements allow you to format variables in a document.

For an overview of document scripting, reference the Document scripting overview article.

Being able to format your variables is important for the look, feel, and design of your document. Document scripting allows you to, among other things, remove unnecessary decimal places, display links as images, and format currency variables with the proper currency symbols.

The following table summarizes supported method statements, their descriptions, and examples of how to use them. To see more detailed explanations and examples for each, scroll down to it's corresponding detail section.

Document scripting requires entirely lower case variables, even if the variable would normally have capitalized letters. Ex: { { Opportunity_Name } } would be { { opportunity_name } } when used with document scripting.

as_imgTakes a URL and displays the image found at that URL{{image_variable.as_img}}where image_variable contains a URL for the imageImage displayed
as_iframeTakes a URL and displays the content found at that URL in an iframe{ { url_variable.as_iframe } }Where url_variable contains a URL for the content to display within the iframeContent displayed within the document page
to_iForces a number to display as an integer. Always rounds down{{number_variable.to_i}}where number_variable = 1000.01000
to_fForces a number to display as a float. A single decimal place is added to the number.{{number_variable.to_f}}where number_variable = 10001000.0
to_urlTakes a string and turns it into a hyperlink{ { url_variable.to_url } }where url_variable = https://getconga.com
number_to_currencyDisplays numbers with currency formatting{{number_to_currency(number_variable)}}where number_variable = 1000.32$1,000.32
to_formatted_dateDisplays a date variable with the selected formatting applied{{date_variable.to_formatted_date("%-m/%-d/%Y")}}where the date is May 5, 20185/5/2018


Using as_img tells Conga Collaborate to interpret and display the variable value (which must be a publically accessible image URL) as the image itself instead of the URL text. CSS inline style modifiers can also be added to adjust height, width, etc.

{ { image_variable.as_img } }where image_variable contains a URL for the imageImage displayed
{ { image_variable.as_img("style" => 'height: 30px; width: 30px;') } }Image displayed with height and width of 30px
{ { image_variable.as_img("style" => 'width: 15%;') } }Image displayed with width of 15%


Using as_iframe tells Conga Collaborate to pull the content located at the URL into an iframe within the document. For example, you want to display a form within a Conga Collaborate page, so you pull it into the page using as_iframe. CSS inline style modifiers can also be added to adjust height, width, etc.

{ { url_variable.as_iframe } }Where url_variable contains a URL for the content to display within the iframeContent displayed within the document page
{ { url_variable.as_iframe("style" => 'height: 300px;') } }iframe height set at 300px


When using to_i, a number variable is displayed as an integer instead of a float. All decimal points are removed and the number always rounds down.

{ { number_variable.to_i } }where number_variable = 1000.01000
{{number_variable.to_i}}where number variable = 100.67100
{{"23".to_i}}this statement makes Conga Collaborate interpret the string “23” as a number23


By default, Conga Collaborate displays CRM currency values as floats. Using number_to_currency allows you to format these values using currency symbols. In addition to simply converting a number to a currency format, number_to_currency has several additional attributes. These are described below:

format as currency{{number_to_currency(number_variable)}}where number_variable = 1000.32$1,000.32
change the currency unit{{number_to_currency(number_variable, :unit=>"&pound")}}£1,000.32
change the delimiter{{number_to_currency(number_variable, :delimiter=>".")}}$1.000.32
change the currency unit and delimiter{{number_to_currency(number_variable, :delimiter=>'.', :unit=>'¢')}}¢1.000.32
change the number of decimal places{{number_to_currency(number_variable, :precision=>1)}}$1,000.3

Using an apostrophe as the delimiter

This is a special case because Ruby (the language that document scripting methods are based on) uses apostrophes as part of its own parsing process such that an apostrophe cannot be used without using an escape character. In Ruby, the escape character is a backslash \ . The syntax looks like this:

{ { number_to_currency(number_variable, :delimiter=>"\'") } }$1'000.30

All number_to_currency attributes can be combined into one statement if desired


This method provides several options for formatting date variables. Using a combination of m, d, y, A, and B, you can display the date in numbers or in words.

Using %-m or %-d will only display one digit as appropriate, while using %m or %d will always display two digits

{{date_variable.to_formatted_date("%A, %B %-d, %Y")Thursday, July 7, 2017