We recommend the following practices to ensure the best-possible PDF output quality.

If you want your Conga Collaborate documents to be downloaded as PDFs, you can click the Properties panel on the right-hand side of the page, click Options, and then click enable PDF download. Once you have this option turned on, make sure they’re looking as good as they can. We recommend the following practices to ensure the best-possible PDF output quality.

Page Breaks

Use the Content Editor to insert page breaks exactly where you want them to fall. (Just put your cursor where you want the break and click Insert and then Page Break.) Doing so keeps your content from running together in the PDF output and hard copy.

Web-Only or Print-Only Content

You can hide pieces of content from web or print versions. This comes in handy for hiding in web view anything that requires a recipient to write in content—or for keeping video or other content that you want only online from showing up in print versions.

PDF Background

Add design and branding elements to the PDF output of your documents by including a PDF background image. In the Theme Builder, upload an 8.5″ x 11″ png or jpg file at 150 DPI for best results. Different images can be assigned to a document’s cover page and standard pages.

Photo Files

Upload a 3 MB photo into a proposal, and all 3 MB are downloaded within the PDF. Too many big files can keep your proposals from downloading. We recommend keeping your photo files under 500 KB so that your PDF sizes stay manageable.

Designate a page to be landscape or portrait

You can designate a content page to appear as landscape by hovering over the desired page in the Table of Contents, and clicking the gear icon that appears. Once the page properties modal appears, check the box that says Landscape Mode.

To use this functionality, Modern Document Size must be enabled for the account (An administrator can enable this by going to Administration > Account Settings > Checking the box next to Modern Document Size under Document Settings).

Advanced Table of Contents You can easily insert a table of contents into your Conga Collaborate Proposals. This option enables your recipients to more easily navigate your Proposal in a PDF format. To enable this feature, navigate to a template, select Properties, select options, then click Enable Print Table of Contents. You have two options for Table of Content type:

Sidebar generates a table of contents from the Sections and Pages in the sidebar.

Content generates a table of contents from the headings in the document content.

Sidebar Advanced Options

With the Sidebar PDF Table of Contents, you can include section titles, page titles, or both in your PDF Table of Contents.

  • If you do not want to include section titles and page titles in the PDF Table of Contents, you can turn off those options within your document by navigating to that particular section’s properties: Hover over the section, click the gear icon, and click Edit Properties. Open the Table of Contents tab.
  • If you un-check “include this section,” the section title no longer appears in the PDF Table of Contents. Page titles from that section also no longer appear in the PDF Table of Contents.
  • If you check “include this section” and un-check “include all pages,” the section title appears but page titles are excluded from the PDF Table of Contents.

PDF Table of Contents Properties do not affect which content is presented in the PDF export–only whether or not the page title or section title is represented in the PDF Table of Contents.