The Incoming Data tool lets you select the fields from Salesforce you want to have available in your Conga Collaborate documents.
Conga Collaborate’s integration with Salesforce allows you to leverage the power of CRM data in your Conga Collaborate documents. The Incoming Data tool lets you select the fields from Salesforce you want to have available in your Conga Collaborate documents.
Our Salesforce integration allows you to select fields from as far down as grandchild objects of your launching object, as well as a maximum of five levels up from the launching object. Going five levels up the object hierarchy is the maximum that Salesforce allows for data accessed through the API.
Using Salesforce fields in your documents streamlines document creation by reducing editing time, eliminating errors from manual copying of information, and enforcing usage of standardized content that reps can quickly get out the door.
Permissions Needed: Conga Collaborate System Administrator
Feature Requirements: Salesforce Integration
- From your user dropdown, go to Administration > Integrations > Salesforce > Edit.
- Scroll down to Incoming Data.
- Under Incoming Data, select the object from which you will be launching Conga Collaborate documents.
- All the fields on that object will appear; click the checkboxes for the fields you want to have available. This is called mapping fields.
- Click Save.
- You can also map fields from objects related to the launching object. For example, if you choose Opportunity as your launching object, the following fields will be available:
- All fields that live on the Opportunity object
- All fields on objects related to the Opportunity through a lookup field (Account, Opportunity Owner, etc.). You can go a maximum of five levels up the object hierarchy using this method.
- The Opportunity’s child objects (Opportunity Line Items, Opportunity Contact Roles, Quotes, etc.).
- The Opportunity’s grandchild objects (Quote Line Items, etc.). To get to grandchild objects, you will need to first select the child object (like Quotes), and then select the grandchild object.
- Click Save on every object that you are selecting fields from before moving on to the next object. After clicking Save, a dropdown will appear with all the fields you have mapped, organized by launching object.
If you make changes in your Salesforce org data structure, make sure to update the Incoming Data field mappings in Conga Collaborate to reflect any changes you have made.
Some examples of mapping changes you may need to make:
If fields were removed from your Salesforce org that were mapped to Conga Collaborate, make sure to delete those mappings in Conga Collaborate in order to avoid document creation errors.
If the API names for fields have changed in your Salesforce org, make sure to re-map those fields in Conga Collaborate.
Considerations for Incoming Data and Salesforce Permissions
Salesforce field-level security permissions are extremely important to think about as you are mapping incoming data to Conga Collaborate. Any Conga Collaborate user who generates a document from Salesforce must have view or edit permission to any Salesforce field mapped to their document’s template in the incoming data area. For that reason, as you are mapping incoming data, you can choose to map fields to all templates, or you may find it beneficial to map fields to only specific templates that a specific user set is using, thus eliminating the need to possibly alter field-level security permissions in Salesforce.