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Adding a File Name to a Conga Sign Transaction Related List

Adding the File Name to the Conga Sign Transaction Related List

You can add the file name to the Conga Sign Transaction Related List. To add the File Name to a Transaction Related List on the Opportunity object:


The instructions below use the Process Builder in the example. Conga does not support Process Builder.

  1. Create a text field on the Opportunity object, for example: test_field__c.

    (The Conga Composer MFTS parameter writes the OFN parameter to the text field when merged.)

  2. Create a text field on the Conga Sign Transaction object, for example: File_name_via_PB__c.

    (The field is populated by the Process Builder.)

  3. Add the File_name_via_PB__c field to the Conga Sign Transaction Related List on the Opportunity page layout.
  4. Setup a Composer and Conga Sign button. Use the MFTS0 parameter to update the test_field__c in the button URL.

    You must use the same value in the OFN parameter and the MFTSValue0 parameter.

  5. Setup a Process Builder.
    1. Locate the Process Builder from the Quick Find search in Salesforce Setup.
    2. Click New.
    3. Add a Process Name and choose A record changes as the field value for the The process starts when field.
    4. Click Save.
    5. Click + Add Object and select Conga Sign Transaction as the field value for the Object field.
    6. Select Only when a record is created as the field value for the Start the process field and then click Save.
    7. Click + Add Criteria and fill out the Criteria Name field.
    8. Choose Conditions are met as the field value for the Criteria for Executing Actions field.
    9. In the Set Conditions section, click the Lookup icon to select a Field's lookup icon to select a field. Click the dropdown arrow, select Transaction Name, and then click Choose.

    10. Change the Operator field value to Is Null and change the Value field to False. Keep the Type as Boolean.
    11. Set the Conditions field to All of the conditions are met (AND) and then click Save.
    12. Click + Add Criteria under Immediate Actions and add a Criteria Name.
    13. Click + Add Action and choose Update Records as the Set Action Type to field value.
    14. Provide an Action Name and choose Select the APXT_CongaSign__Transaction__c record that started your process as the Record Type field value. Click Choose and then click Save.
    15. Select the Criteria for Updating Records or select No criteria—just update the records! if no further criteria are needed.
    16. Set the values for the correct field to update. Choose the new custom text field on the Conga Sign Transaction object (in our example this is the File name via PB field). Change the Type field's value to Field Reference. Select the new custom text field on the related object using the object lookups.
      (in our example, this is the test_field__c on the Opportunity.

    17. Click Save.
    18. Click Activate.
    19. Click Confirm.
  6. Launch the Composer button and go through the steps to create a Conga Sign Transaction.