Migration Path for CQG/CIG to the new Composer Package
The following is a list of steps for migrating a Salesforce org that is currently using CQG/CIG package and does not yet have the Conga Composer Package installed.
To begin the migration process and install the Composer Package, you must first uninstall the CIG/CQG package. Before uninstalling, it is important that you collect and store all current Conga Solutions, Conga Queries, and Conga Templates on your local desktop. These will have to be recreated and modified to be used in the newly installed Composer Package. It is also necessary to collect and store all users that are assigned permission sets associated with the CQG/CIG packages, as these permissions sets will also have to be removed from the users for a successful uninstall. They will need to be reassigned to those users once the Composer Package is successfully installed.
Step 1: Export CQG/CIG Templates, Queries and Solutions
Step 2: Remove Permission Sets
- Go to Salesforce Setup > Users > Permission Sets.
- Click the permission set CPQ Additional, click Manage Assignments, then select all users assigned to this permission set and click Remove Assignment.
Step 3: Uninstall CQG/CIG
Conga Invoice Solution to be stored:
/apex/csfb__Conga_Composer?SolMgr=1 &serverUrl={!API.Partner_Server_URL_370} &userName={!$User.Username} &Id={!blng__Invoice__c.Id} &QueryId=[LineItems]a2WHn00000CK4Yf, [Usages]a2WHn00000CK4Yg, [CompanyDets]a2WHn00000CK4Yh &TemplateId=a2eHn0000043Apy &FP0=1 &AC1=Invoice+Generated &SC0=1 &SC1=SalesforceFile &OFN=Invoice+for+{!blng__Invoice__c.blng__Account__c}+-+{!TEXT(TODAY())} &AC0=1 &TemplateGroup=Invoice &XDO=CIA &ContactId={!blng__Invoice__c.blng__BillToContactId__c} &XDO2=GenerateInvoice &GEO={!$User.Country}
Step 4: Install Composer
Refer to Installing Conga Composer for specifics on the installation process for Composer.
After uninstalling the CIG/CQG package and installing the Composer package successfully, recreate all solutions, queries, and templates in the new package.
Update the namespace for any solutions using the CQG/CIG namespace to the Composer namespace for all solutions leveraging a VisualForce page for launching Composer.
Original Solution:
/apex/csfb__Conga_Composer?SolMgr=1 &serverUrl={!API.Partner_Server_URL_370} &userName={!$User.Username} &Id={!blng__Invoice__c.Id}
Modified Solution for new package:
/apex/APXTConga4__Conga_Composer?SolMgr=1 &serverUrl={!API.Partner_Server_URL_370} &userName={!$User.Username} &Id={!blng__Invoice__c.Id}
Using Salesforce Data Loader to Export and Import Templates:
Exporting your Templates
If you have access to Salesforce Data Loader, you may use it to export CQG/CIG Templates. For more details on using Data Loader, refer to Insert Files with Data Loader.
- Open Salesforce Data Loader, click Export All.
- Select Conga Quote Template (APXTCFQ__Conga_Template__c).
- Click Browse and create a File location to export your files to.
- Click Extract.
- Use the Select All Fields button to select all your Template Fields and press Finish.
- On the prompt regarding exporting all records, click Yes.