Configuring the Composer Lightning Component for a Salesforce Community
Use the Composer Lightning Component in Salesforce Communities to allow Community users to easily merge documents. Follow the steps below to configure the Composer Lighting Component for use in a Salesforce Community.
- The Composer Lightning Component does not integrate with Community home pages. The Composer Lightning Component is intended for use on Record Detail pages in Communities. Additionally, the Composer Lightning Component is not intended for High-Volume Community Users, as opposed to standard Community users.
- Composer does not support proxy URLs in Salesforce Communities/Experience Cloud.
- Users cannot successfully launch the Composer Lightning Component in Communities when accessing it from Salesforce Mobile.
Set Up the Composer Lightning Component for a Customer Community
Prerequisites to Setup the Composer Lightning Component for a Customer Community
Set Up the Composer Lightning Component for a Customer Community
It is recommended to use the background mode parameter (DS7) with the Composer Lightning Component in a Community to provide the best user experience.
- Navigate to Salesforce Setup and use the Quick Find search box to access All Communities under the Communities section.
- Click Builder next to the Customer Community to access the Community Builder.
- Use the dropdown menu in the top left corner to navigate to a Record Detail page.
- Click the Components option on the left hand side.
- Scroll down to the Custom Components section and drag the Conga Composer Lightning Component onto the Record Detail page.
- Select a Solution Collection to use for the Composer Lightning Component.
- Click X after selecting the Solution Collection.
- Click Publish.
Set Up the Composer Lightning Component for a Partner Community
Prerequisites to Set Up the Composer Lightning Component for a Partner Community
Setup the Composer Lightning Component for a Partner Community
It is recommended to use the background mode parameter (DS7) with the Composer Lightning Component in a Community to provide the best user experience.
- Navigate to Salesforce Setup and use the Quick Find search box to access All Communities under the Communities section.
- Click Builder next to the Partner Community to access the Community Builder.
- Use the dropdown menu in the top left corner to navigate to a Record Detail page.
- Click the Components option on the left hand side.
- Scroll down to the Custom Components section and drag the Conga Composer Lightning Component onto the Record Detail page.
- Select a Solution Collection to use for the Composer Lightning Component.
- Click X after selecting the Solution Collection.
- Click Publish.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Does the Composer Lightning Component work in a Community
when it is integrated with Conga Sign?
Yes - Instances where the Composer Lightning Component leverages Conga Sign will run successfully in a Salesforce Community.
- As an Admin, why can I see the Composer Lightning
Component in a Community but a Community user cannot?
It is likely that the Community users do not have the required Composer-related permissions to view the Composer Lightning Component. Ensure that the Community users have the necessary access to Conga object and Apex classes. Additionally, check to see that org-wide sharing settings are set up appropriately.
- How does licensing work with Community users launching
the Composer Lightning Component in a Community
Each Community user must have an assigned Conga Composer license. For more information on assigning Conga Composer licenses, see Assign User Licenses.
- Can Community users launch the Composer Lightning
Component in a Community while accessing it from Salesforce Mobile?
No, the Composer Lightning Component is not compatible in Communities when attempting to launch it from Salesforce Mobile.