Streamlining Template Selection in Conga Composer
You can use several methods to select a template more quickly in a Conga Composer solution.
TemplateID Parameter
- The TemplateID parameter selects a specific template when the solution runs. Additionally, you can specify multiple template IDs to select multiple templates. A template ID can be a Conga Template Conga Key, a Salesforce Document record ID, or a Salesforce File record ID.
TemplateGroup Parameter
- Templates can be assigned to custom categories using the TemplateGroup feature. There is no limit to the number of categories that can be created, and individual Composer buttons can be configured to only use templates that belong to certain groups.
SelectTemplate Parameter
- The SelectTemplates parameter allows the running user to select more than one template and arrange them as necessary. SelectTemplates can be used in conjunction with TemplateGroup in order to limit the templates that can be selected for a merge process. It can also be used with the TemplateID parameter to specify templates, and allow users to add additional templates during a merge.
- Formula fields on Object
- Using a formula field is arguably the most flexible way to drive template selection for Composer. Business-specific formulas can be created to evaluate fields on the master record (or related parent records) in order to determine which templates which will be selected under any given circumstance. This is the best approach for applying business-specific logic and rules to automatically select templates to be used with Composer.
- Formula in Salesforce Button URL
- Salesforce button formulas, such as IF or Case, can be leveraged within a
Composer button to dynamically select templates. Most commonly, these formulas are
used with the TemplateID parameter to include or exclude certain
templates conditionally, but can be used with any of the previously mentioned
template selection parameters.Warning: Conga does not recommend using button formulas to select templates. They are difficult to use and are not compatible with automated Orchestrate docgen using Composer. Use a formula field on your master object instead.
- Salesforce button formulas, such as IF or Case, can be leveraged within a
Composer button to dynamically select templates. Most commonly, these formulas are
used with the TemplateID parameter to include or exclude certain
templates conditionally, but can be used with any of the previously mentioned
template selection parameters.