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Using Live Edit to a Solution

Live Edit allows you to preview and edit your document before it is delivered according to the specified method like email and download.


The following limitations apply:

  • Microsoft Word templates are the only supported template type.
  • If a non-Word template is predefined in the URL or selected in the interface, the UI presents a warning message and disables the Live Edit checkbox.
  • Only single Word templates are supported.
  • The template must be saved in Salesforce (local templates do not work).
  • Text boxes are not supported.
  • Resized images may not carry over into the output document as expected.
  • Some advanced formatting might not carry over into the output document as expected.
  • There is no "write back" functionality between Salesforce and Live Edit. For example, if you change information like a phone number or name in Live Edit that same information still needs to be updated in Salesforce in order to match.
  • Headers are not supported with Live Edit.
  • Live Edit might negatively impact Watermarks.
  • When IF statements are present in the Word template, it is advised to use the parameter, WordStripIfs=1.

Live Edit is a simple copy/paste of the content out of the Word document, edited in Rich Text, and pasted back to the Word document.

Warning: Live Edit does not support all Composer processes such as headers, footers, watermarks, or background colors. For example, headers and footers do not display in the Live Edit window and consequentially do not display in the final merged document. Live edit does not support multiple templates in a Composer solution.

To use this feature

  1. Add the following parameters to your button or link URL:
  2. If you have not already, add your button to a page layout.

To test this feature

  1. Click the Composer Solution button to launch your solution.

    When the Conga Composer user interface loads, you will see an option for Live Edit. If you used the LiveEditEnable parameter, the option will be checked as well (see screenshot below).

  2. With Live Edit checked, click the Merge button. The Live Edit window launches.

    Note: Some templates do not display accurately in the Live Edit window. Trigger a full merge to see the final results.

    In the Live Edit window, you can make changes to your document. The toolbar (shown below) allows you to make formatting changes, including adding links, images, and tables. Be aware that formulas and other data have already been calculated when using Live Edit, so edits to calculations need to be made in all applicable locations. For example, changing a value in a list does not automatically update the total amount; that value needs to be updated manually as well.

  3. After making changes, click the Continue button.

    The merge process and deliver the document finalizes.