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Setting Up Composer Link Service for New Solutions in the Document Automation Wizard

You must enable Composer Link Service and the Conga File Repository to setup and use Composer Link Service. Additionally, you must enable Notification Emails inConga Composer Setup to send Notification Emails.

Note: The Conga Solution must have a Conga Email Template (CETID parameter) to send a document with Composer Link Service in an email.

Create a new solution that uses Composer Link Service to create and send documents.

  1. Click the Conga Quick Start tab.
  2. Click Launch Wizard to launch the Document Automation Wizard
  3. Add Solution Details.
    1. Fill out the Solution Name field to name the solution.
    2. Select a Salesforce Object to launch the solution from.
    3. Find a sample record to test with the solution.
  4. Click Create.
  5. Create or add SOQL Queries to gather additional data and then click Save.
  6. Create, upload, or choose an existing Conga Template to determine that the document that is generated and sent.
  7. Click Create Conga Email Template and fill out the fields below.
    1. Fill out the Email Template Name to name the Conga Email Template.
    2. Fill out the Subject to determine the email subject's text.
    3. Add the required {Conga_Doc_Link} merge tag in the email body of the Conga Email Template referenced in the solution.
      Note: The CongaEmailTemplateID must have the {Conga_Doc_Link} merge tag in the email body to generate the document link.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Click Assign Behaviors.

  10. Under the Link Management section, click Link Configuration.
  11. Click the Link Service toggle to switch it to Yes and click Save.
    • This automatically adds the &LinkService=1 parameter to the Conga Solution.
  12. Enable Notification Emails for Composer Link Service.
    1. Click Notifications under the Link Management section.
    2. Click the Email Notifications toggle to switch it to Yes.
    3. Select a Conga Email Template record to use as the Notification Email Template.
      • This automatically adds the NETId parameter to the Conga Solution.
    4. Click Save.
  13. Under the General section, click Generated File.
  14. (Optional) Click the Convert to PDF toggle to switch the value from No to Yes. PDF files are automatically opened up in the Conga PDF Viewer when a recipient clicks a document link.
    Note: The Conga PDF Viewer only supports PDF files. Word, Excel, and PowerPoint are automatically downloaded to the browser tray once a recipient clicks the document link.
  15. (Optional) Enable Background Mode.
    1. Click Background Mode and select from the following options. Once selected, click Save.
      • Link & Email with Preview (DS7=550)
      • Link & Email Auto Delivery (DS7=551)
      • Link without Email Auto Delivery (DS7=552)
  16. Add the solution to a Solution Collection.

    If a Solution Collection is not yet created, create a Solution Collection.

    1. Click a Solution Collection under Available Solution Collections.
    2. Click the + symbol next to the new solution and then click Save.
  17. Add the solution to your Page Layout.