Configure the Composer Lightning Component for Salesforce Mobile
Configure the Composer Lightning Component as a Global Action to easily generate documents from Salesforce Mobile. Initiating the Composer Lightning Component from a Global Action in Salesforce Mobile allows users to easily generate files from mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.
Follow the steps below to configure and use the Composer Lightning Component as a Global Action in Salesforce Mobile. For more information about the Composer Lightning Component, see Composer Lightning Component.
- Assign the necessary profile permissions to user profiles using the Composer
Lightning Component. Additionally, assign the Modify Metadata Through API
Functions system permission to the user profiles.Note: Users are required to have the Modify Metadata Through API Functions system permission to use the Composer Lightning Component in Salesforce Mobile, but it is not required to use the Composer Lightning Component in Salesforce Lightning.
- Create a Solution Collection.
- Create a Composer Solution using the Conga Solution Manager or the Document Automation Wizard.
iOS users who use Composer & Sign in Salesforce1 must Enable Cross-Website Tracking using the steps outlined in the Salesforce article to ensure that Composer & Sign is successfully executed.