Create and Manage Solutions with Solution Manager
Create the Solution Record
- Create the container (the solution record) that organizes the solution settings.
- Give the solution a name.
- Identify the master object.
- Create the button.
To create a new Solution record
Create the Button
To create the button in Solution Manager, click Create on the Conga Solution window.
(Optional) Specify the data needed for the merged documents. Some solutions can receive all necessary data from the master object. If your solution requires data from other objects, you can include reports or queries to gather that data and make it available.
- You can specify up to 50 reports or queries in any combination.
- Each report or query must have an alias.
- Alias names are used to identify datasets within the Conga Template Builder.
Although Conga Composer supports up to 50 reports or queries, numerous or complicated reports can exceed the timeout of 60 seconds in Salesforce. There are other limitations that you should consider. For more information on limits, see Product Data Limits.
Add an Existing Query
To add an existing query to a solution using Solution Manager:
Before you begin, you must have a solution record created and open.
Create and Add a New Query
To create a new query and add it to a Solution Record:
- Watch a video of this task
Before you begin, you must have a solution record created and open.
- On the Conga Solution screen, click Add Query Data.
- On the Conga Solution Query screen, click Create New Conga Query Record. The Conga Query Edit screen opens in a new window.
- In the Name field, type a name for the query.
- (Optional) In the Description field, type a text description of the query.
- Click Save to save the query.
- In the SOQL Select Statement box, type the select statement for the query.
Building and Managing SOQL Queries with Conga QueryBuilder
Use the Conga Query Builder button to build a SOQL statement.
Add an Existing Report
To add an existing report to a solution using Solution Manager:
- Watch a video of this task.
Create and Add a New Report
To create a new report and add it to a Solution Record:
Select a Sample Record and Build the Document Merge Template.
Click Access Template Builder and then click Select Sample Record to load a record from the selected master object.
When you select a sample record, the datasets from the reports or query are available.
To select a sample record in Solution Manager:
Building a Template with the Conga Template Builder
To build a template using the Conga Template Builder:
- Watch a video of this task.
Select a Merge Template for the Solution
- Once the template has been added to the Conga Template Manager, you can add it to the solution.
- Use Conga Email Templates only for solutions where the document format is an email.
- You can add up to 10 file templates using Solution Manager and only one email template.
Add an Existing File Template to the Solution Record
To add an existing template to a solution using Solution Manager:
- Watch a video of this task.
Adding an Existing File Template to a Solution Record
Add an Existing File Template to the Solution Record
To add an existing template to a solution using Solution Manager:
- Watch a video of this task.
(Optional) Add an Email Template
To add a Conga email template:
Customize the Solution and Add Functionality with Parameters
- Parameters add flexibility and power to a solution.
- You can use multiple parameters in a solution.
- Some parameters require other parameters to function.
- Parameters require a value.
Add Parameters
To add parameters to a solution:
- Click Customize with Parameters to load the Conga Composer Parameter screen. The parameter list is divided out into sections based on functionality. Click the plus sign to expand a section and view the parameters in that category. Click again to hide the parameters in the category.
- Click a parameter to see information and settings for the parameter. The description pane lists parameters and other settings that are required to use the selected parameter.
- Click Select Parameter to select the parameter. The Solution Manager Parameter Picker auto-fills the Parameter Name field.
- Enter a value in the Parameter Value field. The Parameter Picker will enter a default value of 1 automatically for parameters with On/Off functionality. This is a required field.
- (Optional) To add a merge field to your parameter, click Merge Field Helper to view the available merge fields.
- Click Add Parameter to Solution Record to save the selected parameter to your solution.
- Repeat to add additional parameters.
- Click Return to Solution Record to return to the solution record where you can update the button URL.
Test the Solution
- Use the Launch button to run the solution before adding it to a layout.
- Make any changes prior to publishing the solution to end users.
To test a solution:
Add the Button to a Layout
Where you add the button determines the results, as well as who can see the button.
To add or remove a Solution Manager button on a page layout: