Creating Conga Composer Solutions
Powerful Composer solutions can be created in several different ways. Quick Starts allow you to deploy pre-built solutions in just a handful of clicks. The Composer Solution Manager automates the process of creating your button or link while giving you a point-and-click interface to add parameters and customize your solution. Manual setup allows you to have complete control over the behavior of your solution.
Quick Starts
Use the Quick Start wizard to get going with Composer solutions quickly. The wizard allows you to select and deploy pre-built solutions complete with queries, templates, and behaviors that are already configured. For more information, see Composer Quick Starts.
Solution Manager
Use Solution Manager to create solutions in an easy-to-use, point-and-click interface. Solution Manager lets you build your solution from one screen and keep a history of the solution as it changes over time. For more information, see Create and Manage Solutions using Solution Manager.
Solution Manager also has a simplified method to easily create report documents that gather data from several objects, such as dashboard reports. For more information, see Conga Global Merge.
Requires: Conga Composer version 8.8 or higher.
Full Manual Control
For the most flexibility and customizability, you can manually build a solution's button URL. All feature parameters can be added and customized so that the solution performs exactly as you want.
Tips and tricks:
- Copy the managed package button from the Opportunity object to use as a starting point.
- Remember that Composer solutions will automatically make every field on the master object available for you to use.
- Solutions can be buttons or links.
- The Id parameter will be the Id of your master object in 99% of solutions.
- The QueryId parameter must be used in order to pull data using a Conga Query.
- Test the button URL to ensure that it performs as expected before making it available to end-users.
- Once you have created a solution, you can use the Template Builder to add merge fields to a template.
- Add repeating detail data using Microsoft Word's TableGroup and TableStart/TableEnd parameters.
- Use IF statements to hide or show data based on criteria.
- Save the template in Conga's Template Manager for easy access.
After you build and customize your solution, you can automate it if necessary, so that the solution runs whenever a Salesforce® Workflow event occurs or on a pre-set schedule.
- To hide output choices from your end-users and simplify the process whenever they run a solution, use background mode parameters. For more information, see Background Mode Parameters.
- To automatically run a solution on a schedule or in batches, use Conga Batch.
- To integrate your solutions into a workflow, use Conga Trigger.